I am building a Web App using Codeigniter and MySQL and completed most of the part.

But then i encounter with Google App Engine that offer great features like one dont have to worry about scalability and infrastructure.

Now i was thinking of Hosting it on Google app Engine rather than on a Dedicated Server.

Before asking a question i want to make a few points.

  1. It will consume time as i have to rewrite the code in Django(Yes i can use quercus but i think there will be some performance issue).
  2. I read some other answers saying that "GAE better if your site is 'Huge'". this app could be but for now its not "HUGE".
  3. i am developing the App by my own so it could be better since i dont have to worry about Scaling and all... i can concentrate more on Logic Part.
  4. Final solution would be wait for app's eligibility criteria("Huge") and then Port it in to App engine.

So is it better idea to build a Web App on GAE with Datastore or should i use a Traditional Server?


1 回答 1


如果可扩展性和基础架构让您考虑使用 Google appengine,但您的项目已经开始使用 PHP+MySQL 进行开发,那么也许您应该看看 Appengine 的其他 IaaS 替代品,例如 Appfog 和 Dotcloud(这两个提供免费层,就像 appengine 一样)其他的,因为它们提供了更广泛的运行时环境(包括 php)和各种数据库后端,例如 MySQL。这样您就不必移植任何代码。

http://www.appfog.com http://www.dotcloud.com

于 2012-12-27T19:32:39.780 回答