我制作了一个非常简单的 2D Java 游戏类,由通用的 2D 游戏方法(如渲染和更新)组成,我设置了所有 if 语句,以便玩家使用键盘箭头输入在地图上移动。我现在正在尝试设置我所读到的内容是碰撞检测,我知道我需要做的基础知识,因为在我真正来这里问这个问题之前我做了很多阅读,从我读到的内容来看像这样的东西:


Rectangle rectOne = new Rectangle(playerX, playerY, 40, 40); 
//keep in mind that the variables playerX and playerY are already made previously
Rectangle rectTwo = new Rectangle(50, 50, 100,100);


if(rectOne.intersects(rectTwo)){//change the player direction so that he 
can go no further}

我只是不明白我的 if 语句中会出现什么,如果发生交叉点,我需要一些东西来阻止我的玩家继续前进,但是我怎么能写这个,因为玩家可以在 4 个不同的方向上移动(上、下、左、正确的)。如果它只是一维会简单得多,因为我可以将方向更改为与原来相反的方向,但它是二维的,所以有点混乱。


我玩游戏的视图类似于以下内容: http ://www.2dplay.com/awesome-tanks/awesome-tanks-play.htm

编辑 3:

                package javagame;

                import java.awt.Rectangle;

                IMPORTS ARE HERE

public class Play extends BasicGameState{

    Animation bucky, movingUp, movingDown, movingLeft, movingRight;
    Image worldMap;
    boolean quit = false;//gives user to quit the game
    int[] duration = {200, 200};//how long frame stays up for
    int buckyPositionX = 0;
    int buckyPositionY = 0;
    int x = buckyPositionX + 320;//keeps user in the middle of the screem
    int y = buckyPositionY + 160;//the numbers are half of the screen size

    Rectangle rectOne = new Rectangle(x, y,90,90);
    Rectangle rectTwo = new Rectangle(500 + buckyPositionX, 330 + buckyPositionY, 210, 150);

private int xSpeed, ySpeed;///////////////////////////CODE FOR COLLISION

    public Play(int state){
    public void init(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg) throws SlickException{
          worldMap = new Image("res/world.png");
          Image[] walkUp = {new Image("res/b.png"), new Image("res/b.png")}; //these are the images to be used in the "walkUp" animation
          Image[] walkDown = {new Image("res/f.png"), new Image("res/f.png")};
          Image[] walkLeft = {new Image("res/l.png"), new Image("res/l.png")};
          Image[] walkRight = {new Image("res/r.png"), new Image("res/r.png")};

    movingUp = new Animation(walkUp, duration, false);
    movingDown = new Animation(walkDown, duration, false);  
    movingLeft = new Animation(walkLeft, duration, false);  
    movingRight = new Animation(walkRight, duration, false);

    bucky = movingDown;//facing screen initially on startup

    public void render(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg, Graphics g) throws SlickException{
    worldMap.draw(buckyPositionX, buckyPositionY);//position 0,0
    bucky.draw(x, y);//makes him appear at center of map
    g.fillRect(x, y,90,90);
    g.fillRect(500 + buckyPositionX, 330 + buckyPositionY, 210, 150);

        g.drawString("Resume(R)", 250, 100);
        g.drawString("Main(M)", 250, 150);
        g.drawString("Quit Game(Q)", 250, 200);      
            g.clear();//wipe off everything from screen

public void setSpeedWithDirection(int speed, int direction)////////////CODE FOR COLLISION
xSpeed = (int) (Math.cos(direction) * speed);//////////////////////////CODE FOR COLLISION
ySpeed = (int) (Math.sin(direction) * speed);//////////////////////////CODE FOR COLLISION

    public void update(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg, int delta)throws SlickException{
    Input input = gc.getInput();

x += xSpeed;//////////////////////////////////////////CODE FOR COLLISION
y += ySpeed;//////////////////////////////////////////CODE FOR COLLISION

if(rectOne.intersects(rectTwo))///////////////////////CODE FOR COLLISION
xSpeed = 0;////////////////////////////CODE FOR COLLISION
ySpeed = 0;////////////////////////////CODE FOR COLLISION

        bucky = movingUp;//changes the image to his back
        buckyPositionY += 2;;//increase the Y coordinates of bucky (move him up)
        if(buckyPositionY>162){//if I reach the top 
            buckyPositionY -= 2;//stops any further movement in that direction

        bucky = movingDown;
        buckyPositionY -= 2;
            buckyPositionY += 2;//basically change the direction if + make -
        bucky = movingLeft;
        buckyPositionX += 2;
            buckyPositionX -= 2;//delta * .1f
        bucky = movingRight;
        buckyPositionX -= 2;
            buckyPositionX += 2;

    //when the menu is up
    if(quit==true){//is the menu on the screen
            quit = false;//resumes the game, makes menu dissapear
            sbg.enterState(0);//takes you to the main menu
            System.exit(0);//quits the game


    public int getID(){
        return 1;

2 回答 2


作为先决条件,您的播放器类(或其超类之一)应该有一些描述其速度的字段(x-speed 和 y-speed 的一对字段效果很好,尽管您需要 trig 来设置播放器给定方向)。这是一个带有 x 和 y 速度字段的简单播放器类的示例:

public class Player
     //coordinates of the player 
     private int x, y;

     //horizontal and vertical components of the player's speed.
     private int xSpeed, ySpeed; 

     //call a method similar to this one every time your player updates its position
     public void updatePosition()
          x += xSpeed;
          y += ySpeed;

     //Converts a speed and a direction (much easier to deal with)
     //to an x speed and a y speed (much easier for actually moving) 
     //and sets the player's motion
     public void setSpeedWithDirection(int speed, float direction)
         xSpeed = Math.cos(direction) * speed;
         ySpeed = Math.sin(direction) * speed;

为了真正反映玩家的速度,每次玩家更新时,将 x 速度添加到玩家的 x 坐标,并将 y 速度添加到玩家的 y 坐标。现在,发生碰撞时可能会发生很多事情。最简单的方法是通过将播放器的 x 速度和 y 速度设置为零来停止播放器。然而,这可能看起来有问题,因为无论玩家往哪个方向前进,玩家都会停止移动。更好的方法是分析交叉路口的形状(假设你正在使用java.awt.Rectangle你可以使用intersection()方法,几乎​​所有 Rectangle 类都有类似的东西)并确定是否应将 x-speed、y-speed 或两者都设置为零。例如,如果交叉点的宽度大于高度(x 轴大于 y 轴),您可能应该将 y 速度设置为零,但 x 速度不受影响。如果您希望玩家转身(180 度),只需翻转 x-speed 和 y-speed 的符号。如果您希望玩家“弹跳”而不是停止,请像前一种情况一样分析交叉点,但要反转速度而不是将其设置为零。以下是一些代码示例(可能不会完全按照所写的那样工作,因为我不知道您的类是如何设置的):

//simple stop
    player.xSpeed = 0;
    player.ySpeed = 0;

//variable-axis stop
    //depending on Rectangle implementation may need to use other method
    Rectangle overlap = rectOne.intersection(rectTwo);
    if (overlap.height >= overlap.width)
        player.xSpeed = 0;
    if (overlap.width >= overlap.height)
        player.ySpeed = 0;

//simple turn-around (about face)
    player.xSpeed *= -1;
    player.ySpeed *= -1;

//bounce (variable-axis turn around)
    Rectangle overlap = rectOne.intersection(rectTwo);
    if (overlap.height >= overlap.width)
        player.xSpeed *= -1;
    if (overlap.width >= overlap.height)
        player.ySpeed *= -1;


于 2012-12-26T22:11:15.360 回答


于 2012-12-26T22:04:16.153 回答