I'm trying to link the MySQL while loop into foreach loop using something like this :
if($something == true){
foreach($array as $arr){
} else {
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($mysql_query)){
// loop instructions
It looks so wrong, I know but you see what I am trying to do ?.. I want to grab data from array if $something
was true, else then grab data from database
I had another solution idea and its to manually match the array with how $mysql_query
works so I can use them both with while
only, something like this :
if($something == true){
$mysql_query = array("username" => "$_GET['username']", "password" => "$_GET['password']");
} else {
$mysql_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE usern......");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($mysql_query)){
That's a second way to do it but it looks wrong as well because the first array is normal, I want to match that normal array with how mysql_query
builds it so it can fit with the while loop
P.S. : I DO NOT want to repeat writing the loop instructions, I want them both to work with only one like I mentioned above