I have a project which is developed using hibernate- jpa annoatation.

I have chance to create id using JPA which are AUTO, Increment, sequence and table.

Auto is working fine for all DB vendors but, it increase the id for all table together.

Ex: Table a - id is 100

table b id is 101.

c id is 102.

i wanna have ids like

For table A id should be 100 to 1000

For table B id should be 100 to 1000

for all tables also.

I don't want to create separate sequence & Table and make DB fill.


1 回答 1


AUTO 不会一起增加所有表的 ID。

这是它的作用(来自 JPA 规范):

AUTO 值指示持久性提供程序应为特定数据库选择适当的策略。AUTO 生成策略可能期望数据库资源存在,或者它可能会尝试创建一个。如果供应商不支持模式生成或无法在运行时创建模式资源,供应商可能会提供有关如何创建此类资源的文档。


于 2012-12-26T12:02:45.663 回答