I've found most of the questions of this kind where the change in name has been same for the entire set of files in that directory. But i'm here presented with a situation to give a different name to every file in that directory or just add a different prefix.
For Example, I have about 200 files in a directory, all of them with numbers in their filename. what i want to do is add a prefix of 1 to 200 for every file. Like 1_xxxxxxxx.png,2_xxxxxxxx.png...........200_xxxxxxxx.png
I'm trying this, but it doesnt increment my $i everytime, rather it gives a prefix of 1_ to every file.
echo "renaming files"
i=1 #initializing
j=ls -1 | wc -l #Count number of files in that dir
while [ "$i" -lt "$j" ] #looping
for FILE in * ; do NEWFILE=`echo $i_$FILE`; #swapping the file with variable $i
mv $FILE $NEWFILE #doing the actual rename
i=`expr $i+1` #increment $i
Thanks for any suggestion/help.