我在全新安装的 Mountain Lion 上设置 RVM、Rails 等。我正在遵循指南“如何在 Snow Leopard、Lion 和 Mountain Lion 上安装 Xcode、Homebrew、Git、RVM 和 Ruby 1.9.3 ”。
在使用 Ruby (1.9.3) 安装 RVM 后,我做了一个rvm requirement
,看来我应该使用 Homebrew 安装 apple-gcc42:
If you are using Homebrew, you can install the apple-gcc42 and required libraries from homebrew/dupes:
brew update
brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew install autoconf automake apple-gcc42
rvm pkg install openssl
当我进入 OpenSSL 包安装时,我收到以下错误并且不知道如何继续:
marvin:~ george$ rvm --skip-autoreconf pkg install openssl
Fetching openssl-1.0.1c.tar.gz to /Users/george/.rvm/archives
######################################################################## 100.0%
Downloaded archive checksum did not match, archive was removed!
If you wish to continue with not matching download add '--verify-downloads 2' after the command.
Please note that it's required to reinstall all rubies:
rvm reinstall all --force
Updating openssl certificates
Error running 'update_openssl_certs', please read /Users/george/.rvm/log/openssl.certs.log
指定日志文件的内容如下,推测是因为 OpenSSL 存档已被丢弃:
[2012-12-26 22:23:04] update_openssl_certs
/Users/george/.rvm/scripts/functions/support: line 139: cd: /Users/george/.rvm/usr/ssl: No such file or directory