如果我使用了错误的术语,请原谅,我是haskell 类型操作的初学者......我正在尝试使用具有功能依赖关系的重叠实例来使用HLists 进行一些类型级编程。
在这里,我的目标是尝试编写一个 typeclass HNoNils l l'
,这HNoNils l l'
作为一个列表类型(例如:)Int : String : EmptyNil : Int : HNil
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification,
TypeFamilies #-}
import Data.HList
import Data.TypeLevel.Bool
--Type Equality operators
--usedto check if a type is equal to another
class TtEq a b eq | a b -> eq
instance TtEq a a True
instance eq~False => TtEq a b eq
data EmptyNil = EmptyNil deriving (Show) --class representing empty channel
--class intended to generate a list type with no type of EmptyNil
-- Example: HCons Int $ HCons EmptyNil HNil should give HCons Int HNil
class (HList list, HList out) => HNoNils list out | list -> out
where hNoNils :: list -> out
-- l gives l' means (HCons EmptyNil l) gives l'
instance (HNoNils l l',TtEq e EmptyNil True ) => HNoNils (HCons e l) l'
where hNoNils (HCons e l) = hNoNils l
-- l gives l' means (HCons e l) gives (HCons e l') for all e
instance (HNoNils l l') => HNoNils (HCons e l) (HCons e l')
where hNoNils (HCons e l) = hCons e $ hNoNils l
--base case
instance HNoNils HNil HNil
where hNoNils _ = hNil
testList = HCons EmptyNil $ HCons EmptyNil HNil
testList1 = HCons "Hello" $ HCons EmptyNil HNil
testList2 = HCons EmptyNil $ HCons "World" HNil
testList3 = HCons "Hello" $ HCons "World" HNil
main:: IO ()
main = do
print $ hNoNils testList -- should get HNil
print $ hNoNils testList1 -- should get HCons "Hello" HNil
print $ hNoNils testList2 -- should get HCons "World" HNil
print $ hNoNils testList3 -- should get HCons "Hello" (HCons "World" HNil)
来说,我都有HNoNils l l
(HNoNils l l',TtEq e EmptyNil True )
HNoNils l l'
-- l gives l' means (HCons EmptyNil l) gives l'
instance (HNoNils l l',TtEq e EmptyNil True ) => HNoNils (HCons e l) l'
where hNoNils (HCons e l) = hNoNils l
-- l gives l' means (HCons e l) gives (HCons e l') for all e
-- added constraint of TtEq e EmptyNil False
instance (HNoNils l l',TtEq e EmptyNil False) => HNoNils (HCons e l) (HCons e l')
where hNoNils (HCons e l) = hCons e $ hNoNils l
Overlapping instances for HNoNils
(HCons EmptyNil (HCons [Char] HNil)) (HCons EmptyNil l')
Matching instances:
instance (HNoNils l l', TtEq e EmptyNil True) =>
HNoNils (HCons e l) l'
-- Defined at /home/raphael/Dropbox/IST/AFRP/arrow.hs:32:10
instance (HNoNils l l', TtEq e EmptyNil False) =>
HNoNils (HCons e l) (HCons e l')
-- Defined at /home/raphael/Dropbox/IST/AFRP/arrow.hs:36:10
我不明白第二场比赛。毕竟,在这个决议中,我们有 e 等于 EmptyNil,所以TtEq e EmptyNil True
......对吧?就此而言,类型系统甚至如何达到它提出这个问题的情况,毕竟在约束下你永远不应该遇到这种情况HNoNils (Hcons EmptyNil l) (HCons EmptyNil l'))
重新添加 OverlappingInstances 时,我会遇到更奇怪的错误,我不明白:
Couldn't match type `True' with `False'
When using functional dependencies to combine
TtEq a a True,
arising from the dependency `a b -> eq'
in the instance declaration at /home/raphael/Dropbox/IST/AFRP/arrow.hs:23:14
TtEq EmptyNil EmptyNil False,
arising from a use of `hNoNils'
at /home/raphael/Dropbox/IST/AFRP/arrow.hs:53:13-19
In the second argument of `($)', namely `hNoNils testList2'
In a stmt of a 'do' block: print $ hNoNils testList2
第二个语句,TtEq EmptyNil EmptyNil False
是否可以获得有关 Haskell 如何处理实例的更多详细信息?其中一些组合似乎是不可能的。即使只是解释该机制的文档的链接,也将不胜感激
编辑:所以我尝试了 CA McCann 的建议之一(删除一些约束)到以下内容:
instance (HNoNils l l') => HNoNils (HCons EmptyNil l) l'
instance (HNoNils l l') => HNoNils (HCons e l) (HCons e l')
instance HNoNils HNil HNil
Overlapping instances for HNoNils
(HCons EmptyNil (HCons [Char] HNil)) (HCons EmptyNil l')
arising from a use of `hNoNils'
Matching instances:
instance [overlap ok] HNoNils l l' => HNoNils (HCons EmptyNil l) l'
-- Defined at /Users/raphael/Dropbox/IST/AFRP/arrow.hs:33:10
instance [overlap ok] HNoNils l l' =>
HNoNils (HCons e l) (HCons e l')
-- Defined at /Users/raphael/Dropbox/IST/AFRP/arrow.hs:37:10
编辑 2:通过在第二个条件中添加一个小约束,我得到了预期的行为(参见 McCann 对他的回答的评论):
-- l gives l' means (HCons EmptyNil l) gives l'
instance (HNoNils l l') => HNoNils (HCons EmptyNil l) l'
where hNoNils (HCons EmptyNil l) = hNoNils l
-- l gives l' means (HCons e l) gives (HCons e l') for all e
instance (HNoNils l l',r~ HCons e l' ) => HNoNils (HCons e l) r
where hNoNils (HCons e l) = hCons e $ hNoNils l
这里添加的东西是r~HCons e l'