在 Sublime Text 的 LatexTools 插件提供的构建文件中,我修改了语句

"cmd": ["latexmk", "-e", "\\$pdflatex = 'pdflatex %O -interaction=nonstopmode -synctex=1 %S'", "-f", "-pdf"]

通过用乳胶替换 pdflatex 的第二个实例。我的问题是,如何指定是要使用“dvipdfm”还是“dvi2ps + ps2pdf”。



1 回答 1


经过一番反复试验,我终于让以下构建文件正常工作。这使我可以在 pdflatex 和 latex 之间进行选择,还可以在 dvipdfm 和“dvi2ps + ps2pdf”的替代方案之间进行选择

    // Compilation settings
    // ====================
// The actual magic happens in the make_pdf command
// I stick to the format of standard ST2 sublime-build files
// with minor variations.
// NOTE: the viewer is NOT configured from here! 
// As of 5/24/11, it cannot be changed, but I will introduce a setting later

    // General settings; DO NOT MODIFY!!!
    "target": "make_pdf",
    "selector": "text.tex.latex",

    // Linux-specific settings
    // ----------------------
    // If  linux/os variable is used, then command palette does not show variant names

        // Linux texification settings
        // -------------------------
        // Personalize this, IF you know what you are doing!
        // e.g. change 'pdflatex...' to 'xelatex...'
        // Refer to the documentation for latexmk
        // Note: do NOT include $file or similar!!!
        // Only configure the compilation parameters you need, MINUS the
        // actual file to be compiled
        // By default, latexmk is told to use pdflatex, with synctex on for
        // backward/forward search, forcing compilation (e.g. even if no bib file is found)
        // and producing pdf rather than dvi output

        "cmd": ["latexmk",
                "-e","\\$dvipdf = 'dvipdfmx %O -o %D %S'", "-e", "\\$latex = 'latex %O -interaction=nonstopmode -synctex=1 %S'",
                "-f", "-pdfdvi"],


        { "cmd": ["latexmk",
                "-e", "\\$pdflatex = 'pdflatex %O -interaction=nonstopmode -synctex=1 %S'",
                "-f", "-pdf"],
          "name": "Run"

        { "cmd": ["latexmk",
                "-e", "\\$latex = 'latex %O -interaction=nonstopmode -synctex=1 %S'",
                "-f", "-pdfps"],
          "name": "LaTeX_PS_PDF"

        {"cmd": ["latexmk", "-e",  "\\$clean_ext = 'aux fls fdb_latexmk dvi ps synctex.gz'", "-c"],
         "name" : "Clean "

于 2013-03-19T19:59:17.737 回答