我正在制作一个小型搜索功能,其中我将.ctp文件放入元素中,这样我就可以实现 ajax 发布,而无需重新加载整个页面并且只渲染元素。


<li class="span2">
<a  class="pull-left" href="">
    <img  class="media-object" src="<?php $img_path = $result['Person']['profile_image']; echo $img_path;?>">
<div class="media-body">
    <label class="person-media">
        $firstName = ucfirst($result['Person']['first_name']);
        $lastName = ucfirst($result['Person']['last_name']);

        echo $firstName;
        echo "<br>";
        echo $lastName;

在我的搜索操作中,我想保留整个骨架(页眉、页脚、搜索 div 持有人)并仅在无序列表中呈现列表项。但是在搜索点击时,整个页面都会加载


//transform POST into GET
    if($this->request->is("post")) {
        $url = array('action'=>'manage');
        $filters = array();

        if(isset($this->data['searchFor']) && $this->data['Search.name']){
            //maybe clean up user input here??? or urlencode??
            $filters['Search.name'] = $this->data['Search.name'];
        //redirect user to the index page including the selected filters

    $conditions = array();
    // filter by name
    if(isset($this->passedArgs['Search.name'])) {
        $conditions["Person.first_name LIKE"] = "%".$this->passedArgs["Search.name"]."%";

    //paginate as normal
    $this->paginate = array(
        'conditions' => $conditions,
        'order' => array('Person.first_name ASC'),
        'limit' => 12
    $this->layout = "main";
    **$this->render('manage');** // rendering on the element loads everything

从查询中找到我的结果后,manage.ctp 会加载所有内容。

<ul id="students-list" class="students-ist">


        foreach($results as $result){
            echo $this->element('singleuser', array('result' => $result));



我如何使用 Ajax 和表单提交仅加载 div 内的一个元素,而无需在每次搜索时重新加载整个页面。


1 回答 1



以下是将进行 AJAX 调用的搜索表单的提交处理程序。在 AJAX 完成回调中,将用新的替换学生列表项

/* place code in script tag or external file after jQuery.js loads*/
    /* adjust selector to match ID of form*/
          /* sends form data retrieved in php as if form submitted through browser defalt method*/
           /* "this" is the form, serialize will formencode all fields in form*/
          var dataToServer=$(this).serialize();
          $.get( 'pageUrl.php', dataToServer, function(response){
                /* AJAX has returned page, "response" is the full html of page*/
               /* get the items from list from response*/
                var studentListItems= $(response).find('#students-list').html();

                /* replace the list items in active page*/

       /* prevent form default submit*/
       return false;


一旦你让 Cake 控制器只返回你想要的 LI,你可以将响应直接转储到列表中:

于 2012-12-25T03:22:33.010 回答