I've spent a couple of days creating this rather complicated SQL statement, and it now gives me exactly what I want. Now I'm wondering if there is a better/simpler way to do it. Also MySQL wont let me CREATE VIEW on this statement
SELECT name, a.user, liste, c.order, total_1kr, total_5kr, total_8kr, total_10kr, total_paid, differens, sbdato, spaid, sbreg, sfdato, sforbrug, sfreg
FROM (SELECT t.user, t.paid AS spaid, t.dato AS sbdato, t.registrant AS sbreg FROM(
SELECT user,MAX(dato) AS maksdato
FROM g_kiosk_f WHERE paid!=0
GROUP BY user) AS x
JOIN g_kiosk_f AS t ON x.user =t.user
AND x.maksdato = t.dato) AS a
JOIN (SELECT s.user, (s.1kr+(s.5kr)*5+(s.8kr)*8+(s.10kr)*10) AS sforbrug, s.dato AS sfdato, s.registrant AS sfreg FROM(
SELECT user,MAX(dato) AS maksdato
FROM g_kiosk_f WHERE 1kr!=0 OR 5kr!=0 OR 8kr!=0 OR 10kr!=0
GROUP BY user) AS y
JOIN g_kiosk_f AS s ON y.user=s.user
AND y.maksdato=s.dato) AS b
JOIN (SELECT t1.name, t2.user, t1.liste, t1.order, sum( t2.1kr ) AS total_1kr, sum( t2.5kr ) *5 AS total_5kr, sum( t2.8kr ) *8 AS total_8kr, sum( t2.10kr ) *10 AS total_10kr, sum( t2.paid ) AS total_paid, ( sum( t2.1kr ) + sum( t2.5kr ) *5 + sum( t2.8kr ) *8 + sum( t2.10kr ) *10 - sum( t2.paid )) AS differens
FROM g_kiosk_users AS t1
INNER JOIN g_kiosk_f AS t2 ON t1.nr = t2.user
GROUP BY t2.user
ORDER BY t1.name ASC) AS c
ON a.user=b.user AND a.user=c.user
I have a table 'g_kiosk_f' containing id (user), date (dato), 5 kinds of transactions (1kr, 5kr, 8kr, 10kr, and paid) a cashier (registrant). Another table, 'g_kiosk_users', contains name and id (nr). I want a result set showing
- the date, registrant and amount of newest transaction where paid!=0
- the date, registrant and amount of newest transaction where 1kr!=0, 5kr!=0, 8kr!=0 or 10kr!=0
- the total difference of sum(1kr+5kr+8kr+10kr) and sum(paid)
So the result should look something like
Name | id | difference | newest paid date | newest paid registrant | newest paid amount | newest kr date | newest kr registrant | newest kr amount |
In the above I've included the numbers needed to do the difference calculation by hand, because it was needed at some point, but is now obsolete. Does any of this even make sense?