有没有办法监视页面上使用 JQuery 发出的所有 ajax 请求,并使用每个请求的结果调用回调函数?

例如,我提出我的 ajax 请求:

$.get('foo', {foo: bar} );
$.get('bar', {bar: foo} );

然后每次完成任何这些 ajax 请求时我都会调用一个函数,其中包含引用的 url 以及请求的结果?


3 回答 3


Check out jQuery's "ajaxComplete"; it should be exactly what you're looking for:


Using it, you can register a handler and that handler will get invoked on every ajax call.

$.ajaxComplete(function() {
    alert('it worked');

$.get('foo', {foo: bar} ); // "it worked" would get alerted when this completes

To see the response that came back, just use the XHR object that gets provided, like so:

$.ajaxComplete(function(e, xhr) {
    alert('it worked, and the response was:' + xhr.responseHTML);

$.get('foo', {foo: bar} );

And to check the URL you can use a third "settings" arg that gets provided:

$.ajaxComplete(function(e, xhr, settings) {
    alert('it worked, and the response was:' + xhr.responseHTML);
    alert('and the original URL was:' + settings.url);

$.get('foo', {foo: bar} );


As Yusuf K. helpfully pointed out in the comments, if you're using one of the new versions of jQuery such as jQuery 3, things have moved around. ajaxComplete is no longer a static method, but is instead an instance method that you call on document:

$(document).ajaxComplete(function(e, xhr, settings) { // ...
于 2012-12-24T21:48:18.080 回答

使用直接取自文档的 ...访问url任何请求的示例:ajaxComplete


$('.log').ajaxComplete(function(e, xhr, settings) {
  if (settings.url == 'ajax/test.html') {
    $(this).text('Triggered ajaxComplete handler. The result is ' +

如果你 console.log()xhrsettings对象到你的浏览器控制台,你可以看到你可以访问的所有数据ajaxComplete

于 2012-12-24T22:32:14.697 回答

You can store the requests in an array and use the chained callbacks if that's what you mean:

function callback( data ) {
  // do something with the request

var requests = [];
requests.push( $.get('foo', { foo: bar }) ); // add to array and run request
requests.push( $.get('bar', { bar: foo }) );

requests.forEach(function( request ) {
  request.done(function( data ) {
    callback( data );
于 2012-12-24T21:48:13.623 回答