我最近购买了最新版本的 Intellij idea(在他们提供 75% 的折扣期间),顺便说一句,这真的很棒。

我有一个问题:scala 支持似乎被打破了。我已经使用 SBT 插件安装了 scala 支持插件。我还安装了 Play!2 框架支持插件,但是当我从 IDE 中打开一个 scala 文件时,它消耗了我几乎 300%的 cpu 资源,我不知道如何解决这个问题。

有没有人在他们的 IDE 上遇到过这个问题?


4 回答 4




于 2013-05-09T04:44:53.610 回答

I don't think this has anything to do with intelliJ, but rather Play! and Java.

I have idea 12 with play 2.0 plugin. I open the play project in IntelliJ and using the top command I see that java is consuming roughly 3-5% of CPU. If I build the project, that jumps up to 150-300% of CPU and then comes back down after the compiling is done.

Running the same project from the play console, it jumps to about 100% when I first open it, and then if I run clean and then compile, it jumps to 323% and then comes back down.

You may be able to improve performance by doing compilation from the play console instead of IntelliJ. Just run clean, then compile, then within IntelliJ you should syncronize the project (alt-ctl-i).

Also, wondering if the version of the jvm has something to do with it. Are you using the sun version or an open source one. IntelliJ recommends using the sun version.

here's my specs:

Idea 123.94, Scala plugin version 0.7.62, Play 2.0 Support 0.2.6, Play 2.0.4, Scala 2.9.1 java 1.6.0_37-b06, lenovo t410 i7 processor

于 2012-12-26T16:41:25.790 回答

在我的情况下,我将对象和类移动到不同的文件中,这很有帮助(但我在单个文件中没有很多 - 只有少数足以让 intellij 汗流浃背)。

于 2014-03-21T17:06:38.747 回答

我在 OS X 上使用 IntelliJ 12.0.1 时也遇到了同样的问题。它使用包含 Java、Groovy 和 Clojure 的代码库不断消耗 100% 的 CPU(8 个内核的 800%)。Jetbrains 技术支持告诉我下载未发布的 12.0.2 版本

更新:IntelliJ 12.0.4 具有相同的 CPU 消耗使用率。我已将其范围缩小到 Clojure 插件。

于 2012-12-27T18:44:25.670 回答