I have a central Maven repository which is shared by more than one Projects within the Company LAN. Now, I need to have an artifact which is licensed for a single Project, to be placed in the shared repository.

Is it possible set authorized access to that artifact, the credential can ideally be in the pom file of the desired project.

Any better solution is more than welcome.


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Maven 不处理存储库中的访问权限,因为它只是一个从服务器获取数据的客户端。如果您使用的是存储库管理器,请阅读其文档。如果您只是在 Apache HTTPD 服务器后面托管文件,请配置 HTTPD。

或者,您可以将该文件移动到单独的存储库中,并仅配置一个项目的 POM 以使用它。这并不能解决存储库将继续公开的事实,因此其他项目/团队可以在他们真的想要的情况下使用它。

于 2012-12-25T06:33:20.653 回答