我是一个相当自在的 PHP 程序员,并且几乎没有 Python 经验。我正在尝试帮助一个伙伴完成他的项目,代码很容易用 Php 编写,我已经将大部分内容移植过来,但如果可能的话,需要一些帮助来完成翻译。目标是:
- 生成带有 uid 的基本对象列表
- 随机选择一些项目以创建第二个列表,该列表键入包含新属性的 uid。
- 测试两个列表之间的交叉点以相应地改变响应。
以下是我尝试在 Python 中编码的工作示例
class Object{ // Basic item description
public $x =null;
public $y =null;
public $name =null;
public $uid =null;
class Trace{ // Used to update status or move position
# public $x =null;
# public $y =null;
# public $floor =null;
public $display =null; // Currently all we care about is controlling display
$objects = array();
$dirtyItems = array();
#CREATION OF ITEMS########################################
for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++){
$objects[] = new Object();
$objects[$i]->uid = rand();
$objects[$i]->x = rand(1,30);
$objects[$i]->y = rand(1,30);
$objects[$i]->name = "Item$i";
#RANDOM ITEM REMOVAL######################################
foreach( $objects as $item )
if( rand(1,10) <= 2 ){ // Simulate full code with 20% chance to remove an item.
$derp = new Trace();
$derp->display = false;
$dirtyItems[$item->uid] = $derp; //# <- THIS IS WHERE I NEED THE PYTHON HELP
function display(){
global $objects, $dirtyItems;
foreach( $objects as $key => $value ){ // Iterate object list
if( @is_null($dirtyItems[$value->uid]) ) // Print description
echo "<br />$value->name is at ($value->x, $value->y) ";
else // or Skip if on second list.
echo "<br />Player took item $value->uid";
所以,实际上我已经对大部分内容进行了排序,我只是在使用 Python 版本的关联数组时遇到了问题,因为它的键与主列表中的唯一项目数匹配。
Player took item 27955
Player took item 20718
Player took item 10277
Item3 is at (8, 4)
Item4 is at (11, 13)
Item5 is at (3, 15)
Item6 is at (20, 5)
Item7 is at (24, 25)
Item8 is at (12, 13)
Player took item 30326
我的 Python 技能仍然很熟练,但这与上面的代码块大致相同。我一直在查看并尝试使用列表函数 .insert( ) 或 .setitem( ) 但它并没有按预期工作。
这是我当前的 Python 代码,尚未完全正常运行
import random
import math
# Begin New Globals
dirtyItems = {} # This is where we store the object info
class SimpleClass: # This is what we store the object info as
# End New Globals
# Existing deffinitions
objects = []
class Object:
def __init__(self,x,y,name,uid):
self.x = x # X and Y positioning
self.y = y #
self.name = name #What will display on a 'look' command.
self.uid = uid
def do_items():
global dirtyItems, objects
for count in xrange(10):
UID = int(math.floor(random.random()*10000))
item = Object(X,Y,'Item'+str(count),UID)
try: #This is the new part, we defined the item, now we see if the player has moved it
if dirtyItems[UID]:
print 'Player took ', UID
except KeyError:
objects.append(item) # Back to existing code after this
pass # Any error generated attempting to access means that the item is untouched by the player.
# place_items( )
for key in objects:
print "%s at %s %s." % (key.name, key.x, key.y)
if random.randint(1, 10) <= 1:
print key.name, 'should be missing below'
x = SimpleClass()
x.display = False
print ' '
objects = []
for key in objects:
print "%s at %s %s." % (key.name, key.x, key.y)
print 'Done.'
所以,很抱歉这篇长文,但我想通过并提供两套完整的代码。PhP 完美运行,Python 也很接近。如果有人能指出我正确的方向,那将是一个巨大的帮助。 dirtyItems.insert(key.uid,x)是我试图用来使列表作为 Assoc 数组工作的东西