I'm working on a JSF (v1.2) application. In my application I need a generic servlet which could serve any resource (PDF, Images, Excel, etc). My idea is to ask the caller to send the required information so that I can find out the correct delegator class using some configurations.

This delegator class will take care of serving the correct resource.

For example this is the request url


My Servlet code is something like this.

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response){
 String delegatorID=request.getParameter("delegatorid");
//Get the configuration from Configuration table
//invoke the method of the delegator class based on this configuration
Object result=invokeMethod(configuration);
//write the response to the stream

My question is what is the best way to do this in a JSF project?

  1. Should I completely avoid JSF dependency in this operation? I can find the delegator method and class and invoke it using reflection. Will there be any potential restrictions in future if I avoid JSF dependency. [One problem which I can think about is, in one of the code, I need to get the user information from session. I'm doing this through FacesContext. Since FacesContext is not available, it will fail, I should have another option to get the session.
  2. If I have to introduce JSF dependency, how do I get the FacesContext here? As far as I know, only the beans that are stored in application scope can be accessed here. I don't want to do that. Is there any other way of getting it?
  3. Instead of using a servlet, can I do this by invoking a ManagedBean method directly using the URL? This will give me FacesContext. I think I need to have a dummy JSP page for the managed bean method to get invoked.

Could you please let me your thoughts on this?


1 回答 1


( FacesContextand ExternalContext) 只是 , , , , etcetara 的一个外观,以及一些在普通的 vanilla servlet 中根本不需要的 JSF 细节。无非是 的抽象映射。HttpServletRequestHttpServletResponseHttpSessionServletContextExternalContext#getSessionMap()HttpSession#get/setAttribute()

在一个普通的 servlet 中,会话只能由request.getSession()应用程序以getServletContext()通常的方式使用。另请参阅此相关问题:Get JSF managed bean by name in any Servlet related class

您也可以将需要由 JSF 和 Servlet 共享的代码重构为一个实用方法,该方法不依赖于javax.faces.*norjavax.servlet.*类(或最多仅依赖于类javax.servlet.*),最后让调用者各自传递必要的信息。

于 2012-12-24T11:27:30.093 回答