我正在尝试将新创建的对象添加到网格和图形中。具体来说,如何使用 for 循环有效地将节点添加到图中。它们的网格被设置为双数组,以更新初始视图。(对象网格是模型并通过推送更新视图)。我还使用 for 循环中 i 和 j 中的项目设置了一个 HashMap,以定义对象的键。但是,为了建立一个图形以便以后计算从节点到节点的最短路径,我需要将这些节点添加到图形中。我想使用 Djikstra 的算法来计算最短路径。我可以创建一个条件语句来定义网格中的角节点和边缘节点是什么,并定义哪些项目将具有双向边缘,但这似乎是一个“长切”。
下面是关于我如何创建前两项(创建双数组和 HashMap)的构造函数代码:
// **Constructor
// Construct a new Grid object. Sets up a HashMap of square object in order efficiently to get
// and add Square objects later.
public ObjectGrid(Integer width, Integer height)
// View
gui = new GUI(); // Instantiate GUI
boardView = new BoardView(width,height); // Instantiate BoardView
// Initialize Gui, set time and add simulation event listener to model (ObjectGrid)
// Initialize turnInSteps variable count to 0
turnInSteps = 0;
// Initialize numberOfDays variable count to 0
numberOfDays = 1;
// Instantiate HashMap
objectHashMap = new HashMap();
// Declare new object grid using double array of type objects.
// Size determined by parameter Integer values in constructor
myObjectGrid = new ObjectType[width][height];
// Instantiate Graph object
Graph graph = new ListGraph();
// For loop sets up the initial grid with ObejctType using a double array. After
// the completion of this loop, the grid will have XXX objects in the grid
// each with a reference to an object. Objects are also added
// to HashMap using coordinates as keys and square objects as values.
for(int i = 0; i < width; i++)
// Iterate through rows
for(int j = 0; j < height; j++)
// Iterate through columns
myObjectGrid[i][j] = new ObjectType(); // Instantiate a new Square at each row/column using default constructor
gridView.addObjectView(myObjectGrid[i][j].getObjectView(), i, j); // Add object view to each row/column placement
String hashMapKey = (i + ", " + j); // Use values from i and j as Key for objects HashMap
myObjectGrid[i][j].setID(hashMapKey); // Add ID's for each ObjectView to display in object using values from i and j
objectHashMap.add(hashMapKey, myObjectGrid[i][j]); // Add object to HashMap using string value of coordinates as key
// Pseudo code
if (i != (width-height) && (j != height) etc)
listGraph.addBidirectionalEdge(mySquareGrid[i][j], (mySquareGrid[i][j+1]), 1);
listGraph.addBidirectionalEdge(mySquareGrid[i][j], (mySquareGrid[i+1][j]), 1);
listGraph.addBidirectionalEdge(mySquareGrid[i][j], (mySquareGrid[i+1][j+1]), 1);