这不是一个答案,但扎克本人对此很感兴趣。它是 cbrain 深奥编程语言http://esolangs.org/wiki/Cbrain中复活节彩蛋的一部分。使用 OpenCOBOL 编译的 bf 衍生产品。为了摆脱困境,条件价值公平可以设置为 2 而不是 1。 COBOL 中的 frogSort。
*> ********************************************************
*> frogSort, called for help with 10-94, request for count
*> ********************************************************
identification division.
program-id. frogsort.
data division.
working-storage section.
01 opinion usage binary-long.
01 shared-value pic 99.
88 fair value 1.
01 caveman-count pic x(12) value "[-]+++++++++".
01 spacer pic x(10) value spaces.
linkage section.
01 jars.
05 flies pic 9 occurs 21 times.
*> ********************************************************
procedure division using jars.
move function length(jars) to shared-value
display "Grog sort jars. frogSort" end-display
display "http://www.smbc-comics.com/?id=2831" end-display
call "fork" returning opinion end-call
if opinion is zero then
subtract 1 from shared-value
if not fair then go forkyourself.
call "sleep" using by value flies(shared-value) end-call
"Jar: " function char(shared-value + 65) " reporting "
caveman-count(1 : flies(shared-value) + 3) " flies,"
spacer(1 : 10 - flies(shared-value))
"that would be " flies(shared-value) " to you, futureman."
call "wait" using by value 0 end-call
stop run returning 107.
end program frogsort.
用 CALL "frogsort" USING ""012345678901234567890" END-CALL 踢复活节彩蛋
$ ./cbrainrun
10-12 Welcome to cbrain v0.42
cb: 1094
cb: help
Grog sort jars. frogSort
Jar: U reporting [-] flies, that would be 0 to you, futureman.
Jar: K reporting [-] flies, that would be 0 to you, futureman.
Jar: A reporting [-] flies, that would be 0 to you, futureman.
Jar: L reporting [-]+ flies, that would be 1 to you, futureman.
Jar: B reporting [-]+ flies, that would be 1 to you, futureman.
Jar: M reporting [-]++ flies, that would be 2 to you, futureman.
Jar: C reporting [-]++ flies, that would be 2 to you, futureman.
Jar: N reporting [-]+++ flies, that would be 3 to you, futureman.
Jar: D reporting [-]+++ flies, that would be 3 to you, futureman.
Jar: O reporting [-]++++ flies, that would be 4 to you, futureman.
Jar: E reporting [-]++++ flies, that would be 4 to you, futureman.
Jar: P reporting [-]+++++ flies, that would be 5 to you, futureman.
Jar: F reporting [-]+++++ flies, that would be 5 to you, futureman.
Jar: Q reporting [-]++++++ flies, that would be 6 to you, futureman.
Jar: G reporting [-]++++++ flies, that would be 6 to you, futureman.
Jar: R reporting [-]+++++++ flies, that would be 7 to you, futureman.
Jar: H reporting [-]+++++++ flies, that would be 7 to you, futureman.
Jar: S reporting [-]++++++++ flies, that would be 8 to you, futureman.
Jar: I reporting [-]++++++++ flies, that would be 8 to you, futureman.
Jar: T reporting [-]+++++++++ flies, that would be 9 to you, futureman.
Jar: J reporting [-]+++++++++ flies, that would be 9 to you, futureman.