class CV_EXPORTS Mat
//! default constructor
//! constructs 2D matrix of the specified size and type
// (_type is CV_8UC1, CV_64FC3, CV_32SC(12) etc.)
Mat(int rows, int cols, int type);
Mat(Size size, int type);
//! constucts 2D matrix and fills it with the specified value _s.
Mat(int rows, int cols, int type, const Scalar& s);
Mat(Size size, int type, const Scalar& s);
//! constructs n-dimensional matrix
Mat(int ndims, const int* sizes, int type);
Mat(int ndims, const int* sizes, int type, const Scalar& s);
//! copy constructor
Mat(const Mat& m);
//! constructor for matrix headers pointing to user-allocated data
Mat(int rows, int cols, int type, void* data, size_t step=AUTO_STEP);
Mat(Size size, int type, void* data, size_t step=AUTO_STEP);
Mat(int ndims, const int* sizes, int type, void* data, const size_t* steps=0);