我想制作一个程序,该程序取决于某人单击的单选按钮(每个按钮只有 1 个GroupBox)和总共 5 个不同的组框。特定值将添加到输入的 num1Textbox 值中。

问题是可以做到吗?还是我在浪费时间尝试学习它。我对 VB 很陌生.. 并且只完成了一个 cpl 程序,它为高尔夫程序添加 - 多重 - 除法和减去值以进行推杆.. 这一次我知道它会更复杂。


有人会进入 Yard to Hole = 145(每次都是不同的数字)

然后,他们会为每个(5 个不同的选项)选择 1 个单选按钮,GroupBox并且值 145 会根据选择的选项相应地增加或减少。



让我们在这里试试 http://i1311.photobucket.com/albums/s667/Steve_Lunney/design_zps9c2f89da.jpg



但是在每个这些状态下 spinGroupBox.spin1RadioButton.Checked 我得到波浪线,当我把鼠标放在它上面时它说 - 'upRadioButton' 不是'System.Windows.Forms.Groupbox'的成员

Private Sub calculateButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles calculateButton.Click
    Dim spinGroupBox As New GroupBox()
    Dim spin1RadioButton As RadioButton
    Dim spin2RadioButton As RadioButton
    Dim spin3RadioButton As RadioButton
    Dim spin4RadioButton As RadioButton
    Dim spin5RadioButton As RadioButton
    Dim num1TextBox As Integer
    Dim num2TextBox As Integer
    Dim spin1b As Decimal
    Dim resultA As Integer

    Select Case True
        Case spinGroupBox.spin1RadioButton.Checked
            spin1b = 0.095
        Case spinGroupBox.spin2RadioButton.Checked
            spin1b = 0.085
        Case spinGroupBox.spin3RadioButton.Checked
            spin1b = 0.08
    End Select
    resultA = spin1b

    ' Create and initialize a GroupBox and a Button control. 
    Dim windGroupBox As GroupBox
    Dim upRadioButton As RadioButton
    Dim ulRadioButton As RadioButton
    Dim urRadioButton As RadioButton
    Dim downRadioButton As RadioButton
    Dim dlRadioButton As RadioButton
    Dim drRadioButton As RadioButton
    Dim leftRadioButton As RadioButton
    Dim rightRadioButton As RadioButton
    Dim wind1b As Decimal
    Dim resultb As Integer
    Select Case True
        Case windGroupBox.upRadioButton.Checked
            wind1b = 0.095
        Case windGroupBox.ulRadioButton.Checked
            wind1b = 0.085
        Case windGroupBox.urRadioButton.Checked
            wind1b = 0.075
        Case windGroupBox.downRadioButton.Checked
            wind1b = 0.07
        Case windGroupBox.dlRadioButton.Checked
            wind1b = 0.065
        Case windGroupBox.drRadioButton.Checked
            wind1b = 0.06
        Case windGroupBox.leftRadioButton.Checked
            wind1b = 0.055
        Case windGroupBox.rightRadioButton.Checked
            wind1b = 0.05

    End Select
    resultb = wind1b
End Sub

1 回答 1


Case Me.upRadioButton.Checked
(或者您可以省略Me.)顺便说一句,如果您已将控件拉到设计器中的表单上,则应该删除这些dim ...行。控件在另一个默认隐藏的文件中声明。您的行再次声明了隐藏对实际表单控件的访问的变量,这意味着当您尝试在没有Me..

于 2012-12-23T19:58:43.360 回答