我最近建立了一个轮播,我一直在尝试通过将所有内容拆分为更小的函数等来清理代码。我一直在尝试将所有变量(也许还有函数?)放入一个 Javascript 对象中,以便它与文件中的所有其他代码(它是一个非常大的文件:p)分开。
// an object to hold all of my variables and methods that deal with the infinite carousel
var carouselVars = {
carouselBgWrapper: $('#carousel_bg_wrapper'),
carouselItems : $('#carousel_ul li'), // a jquery object that holds all the li elements in the carousel ul
carouselWrapper : $('#carousel_wrapper'), // a jquery object that holds the carousel wrapper div
carouselUl : $('#carousel_ul'), // a jquery object that holds the carousel ul
//kept getting firebug error "ReferenceError: carouselWrapper/carouselItems is not defined
//totalItems : carouselItems.length,
//itemWidth : carouselItems.eq(1).outerWidth(true), // size of second item plus its 8px left margin
//visibleImages : Math.ceil( carouselWrapper.width()/itemWidth ), // number of items visible at a time ???starting to question this math
//scrollDistance : itemWidth*visibleImages, // number of pixels that need to be animated over when moving left or right
//neededImages: visibleImages - remainingImages, // number of images that must be added to the last page to give us a full page
scrollSpeed : 1200, // animation duration of the carousel slide (in milliseconds)
currentPage : 1, // default current page to 1
moveRight: function(){
console.log("move right --- carouselVars");
carouselVars.totalItems = carouselNS.carouselItems.length; // the number of li's in the list (will not change)
carouselVars.itemWidth = carouselVars.carouselItems.eq(1).outerWidth(true); // width of second item plus its 8px left margin
carouselVars.visibleItems = Math.ceil( carouselVars.carouselWrapper.width()/carouselVars.itemWidth ); // number of items visible at a time
carouselVars.moveDistance = carouselVars.itemWidth*carouselVars.visibleImages; // number of pixels to animate over when moving left or right
carouselVars.pages = Math.ceil( carouselVars.totalItems/carouselVars.visibleItems ); // the total number of pages in the carousel
carouselVars.remainingItems = carouselVars.totalItems%carouselVars.visibleItems; // number of images that are on last page (might be less than 4)
carouselVars.neededItems = carouselVars.visibleItems - carouselVars.remainingItems; // number of images that must be added to the last page to give us a full page
carouselNS.carouselBgWrapper.on('click','#carousel_next_item',carouselVars.moveRight()); // move carousel right on mouse click
carouselNS.carouselBgWrapper.on('click','#carousel_prev_item',carouselVars.moveLeft()); // move carousel right on mouse click
"ReferenceError: carouselItems not defined"
我认为这个问题正在发生,因为我试图获取 ul 中carouselItems : $('#carousel_ul li')
使用totalItems = carouselItems.length
有没有办法在常规 Javascript 对象中使用 jQuery 对象方法?另外,我正在做的事情是否实用?