我需要在 vb.net 或 c# 中创建一个用户控件来搜索 RightNow CRM 数据库。我有关于他们的 XML API 的文档,但我不确定如何发布到他们的解析器,然后捕获返回数据并将其显示在页面上。
API 链接:http: //community.rightnow.com/customer/documentation/integration/82_crm_integration.pdf
我需要在 vb.net 或 c# 中创建一个用户控件来搜索 RightNow CRM 数据库。我有关于他们的 XML API 的文档,但我不确定如何发布到他们的解析器,然后捕获返回数据并将其显示在页面上。
API 链接:http: //community.rightnow.com/customer/documentation/integration/82_crm_integration.pdf
我不知道 RightNow CRM,但根据文档,您可以使用 HTTP post 发送 XML 请求。在 .NET 中执行此操作的最简单方法是使用 WebClient 类。或者,您可能想查看 HttpWebRequest/HttpWebResponse 类。下面是一些使用 WebClient 的示例代码:
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System;
namespace RightNowSample
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string serviceUrl = "http://<your_domain>/cgi-bin/<your_interface>.cfg/php/xml_api/parse.php";
WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
string requestXml =
<function name=""ans_get"">
<parameter name=""args"" type=""pair"">
<pair name=""id"" type=""integer"">33</pair>
<pair name=""sub_tbl"" type='pair'>
<pair name=""tbl_id"" type=""integer"">164</pair>
string secString = "";
string postData = string.Format("xml_doc={0}, sec_string={1}", requestXml, secString);
byte[] postDataBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData);
byte[] responseDataBytes = webClient.UploadData(serviceUrl, "POST", postDataBytes);
string responseData = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(responseDataBytes);
我无法访问 RightNow CRM,因此无法对此进行测试,但它可以作为您的起点。
class Program
private RightNowSyncPortClient _Service;
public Program()
_Service = new RightNowSyncPortClient();
_Service.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "Rightnow UID";
_Service.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "Right now password";
private Contact Contactinfo()
Contact newContact = new Contact();
PersonName personName = new PersonName();
personName.First = "conatctname";
personName.Last = "conatctlastname";
newContact.Name = personName;
Email[] emailArray = new Email[1];
emailArray[0] = new Email();
emailArray[0].action = ActionEnum.add;
emailArray[0].actionSpecified = true;
emailArray[0].Address = "mail@mail.com";
NamedID addressType = new NamedID();
ID addressTypeID = new ID();
addressTypeID.id = 1;
addressType.ID = addressTypeID;
addressType.ID.idSpecified = true;
emailArray[0].AddressType = addressType;
emailArray[0].Invalid = false;
emailArray[0].InvalidSpecified = true;
newContact.Emails = emailArray;
return newContact;
public long CreateContact()
Contact newContact = Contactinfo();
//Set the application ID in the client info header
ClientInfoHeader clientInfoHeader = new ClientInfoHeader();
clientInfoHeader.AppID = ".NET Getting Started";
//Set the create processing options, allow external events and rules to execute
CreateProcessingOptions createProcessingOptions = new CreateProcessingOptions();
createProcessingOptions.SuppressExternalEvents = false;
createProcessingOptions.SuppressRules = false;
RNObject[] createObjects = new RNObject[] { newContact };
//Invoke the create operation on the RightNow server
RNObject[] createResults = _Service.Create(clientInfoHeader, createObjects, createProcessingOptions);
//We only created a single contact, this will be at index 0 of the results
newContact = createResults[0] as Contact;
return newContact.ID.id;
static void Main(string[] args)
Program RBSP = new Program();
long newContactID = RBSP.CreateContact();
System.Console.WriteLine("New Contact Created with ID: " + newContactID);
catch (FaultException ex)