3 回答
我试图实现这一点。@Alex Martelli 和其他任何人,请给我评论/改进。我认为这最终会出现在 GitHub 上。
todo: need to lock library to avoid thread trouble?
todo: need to raise an exception if we're getting pickled with
an old protocol?
todo: make it polite to other classes that use __new__. Therefore, should
probably work not only when there is only one item in the *args passed to new.
import uuid
import weakref
library = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
class UuidToken(object):
def __init__(self, uuid):
self.uuid = uuid
class PersistentReadOnlyObject(object):
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if len(args)==1 and len(kwargs)==0 and isinstance(args[0], UuidToken):
received_uuid = args[0].uuid
received_uuid = None
if received_uuid:
# This section is for when we are called at unpickling time
thing = library.pop(received_uuid, None)
if thing:
thing._PersistentReadOnlyObject__skip_setstate = True
return thing
else: # This object does not exist in our library yet; Let's add it
new_args = args[1:]
thing = super(PersistentReadOnlyObject, cls).__new__(cls,
thing._PersistentReadOnlyObject__uuid = received_uuid
library[received_uuid] = thing
return thing
# This section is for when we are called at normal creation time
thing = super(PersistentReadOnlyObject, cls).__new__(cls, *args,
new_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
thing._PersistentReadOnlyObject__uuid = new_uuid
library[new_uuid] = thing
return thing
def __getstate__(self):
my_dict = dict(self.__dict__)
del my_dict["_PersistentReadOnlyObject__uuid"]
return my_dict
def __getnewargs__(self):
return (UuidToken(self._PersistentReadOnlyObject__uuid),)
def __setstate__(self, state):
if self.__dict__.pop("_PersistentReadOnlyObject__skip_setstate", None):
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
return self
def __copy__(self):
return self
# --------------------------------------------------------------
From here on it's just testing stuff; will be moved to another file.
def play_around(queue, thing):
import copy
queue.put((thing, copy.deepcopy(thing),))
class Booboo(PersistentReadOnlyObject):
def __init__(self):
self.number = random.random()
if __name__ == "__main__":
import multiprocessing
import random
import copy
def same(a, b):
return (a is b) and (a == b) and (id(a) == id(b)) and \
(a.number == b.number)
a = Booboo()
b = copy.copy(a)
c = copy.deepcopy(a)
assert same(a, b) and same(b, c)
my_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
process = multiprocessing.Process(target = play_around,
args=(my_queue, a,))
things = my_queue.get()
for thing in things:
assert same(thing, a) and same(thing, b) and same(thing, c)
print("all cool!")
- 进程 A 制作 obj 并将其发送给 B ,B 将其解开,到目前为止一切顺利
- A 更改 X 到 obj,同时 B 更改 Y 到 obj 的 ITS 副本
- 现在任何一个进程都将它的 obj 发送给另一个进程,这会解开它:此时在每个进程中需要对对象进行哪些更改?A发送给B或反之亦然是否重要,即A是否“拥有”该对象?或者是什么?
如果你不在乎,说因为只有 A OWNS obj——只有 A 被允许进行更改并将 obj 发送给其他人,其他人不能也不会更改——那么问题归结为识别 obj唯一的——一个 GUID 就可以了。该类可以维护将 GUID 映射到现有实例的类属性 dict(可能作为弱值 dict 以避免使实例不必要地保持活动状态,但这是一个附带问题)并确保在适当时返回现有实例。
——你需要一个新样式的类并使用协议 2 或更好的进行酸洗(但出于其他原因,这些都是可取的!-),然后__getnewargs__
在现有对象中可以简单地返回对象的 GUID(__new__
[[weakvalue;-)]] dict 中是否存在 GUID(如果存在则返回相应的对象值)——如果不存在(或者如果未传递 GUID,则意味着它不是 unpickling,所以必须生成一个新的 GUID),然后制作一个真正的新对象(设置其 GUID;-) 并将其记录在 class-levelmemo
顺便说一句,要制作 GUID,请考虑使用标准库中的uuid模块。
您可以简单地使用一个字典,其中的键和值在接收器中相同。为了避免内存泄漏,请使用 WeakKeyDictionary。