我正在使用 libevent 在特定时间间隔内获取网站的一些统计信息。我的程序基于此。我唯一缺少的是请求超时,最好是亚秒级精度。
这是一个非常粗略的例子:我使用 libevent 计时器来实现超时。这可以通过将计时器放在结构中并在回调中取消它来进一步改进。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <event.h>
#include <evhttp.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
struct http_client {
struct evhttp_connection *conn;
struct evhttp_request *req;
bool finished;
void _reqhandler(struct evhttp_request *req, void *state) {
struct http_client *hc = (http_client*)state;
hc->finished = true;
if (req == NULL) {
printf("timed out!\n");
} else if (req->response_code == 0) {
printf("connection refused!\n");
} else if (req->response_code != 200) {
printf("error: %u %s\n", req->response_code, req->response_code_line);
} else {
printf("success: %u %s\n", req->response_code, req->response_code_line);
void timeout_cb(int fd, short event, void *arg) {
struct http_client *hc = (http_client*)arg;
printf("Timed out\n");
if (hc->finished == false){ // Can't cancel request if the callback has already executed
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
struct http_client *hc = (struct http_client *)malloc(sizeof(struct http_client));
hc->finished = false;
struct event ev;
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = 3; // Timeout is set to 3.005 seconds
tv.tv_usec = 5000;
const char *addr = ""; //google.com
unsigned int port = 80;
hc->conn = evhttp_connection_new(addr, port);
evhttp_connection_set_timeout(hc->conn, 5);
hc->req = evhttp_request_new(_reqhandler, (void*)hc);
evhttp_add_header(hc->req->output_headers, "Host", addr);
evhttp_add_header(hc->req->output_headers, "Content-Length", "0");
evhttp_make_request(hc->conn, hc->req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, "/");
evtimer_set(&ev, timeout_cb, (void*)hc); // Set a timer to cancel the request after certain time
evtimer_add(&ev, &tv);
printf("starting event loop..\n");
return 0;