

谷歌地图在这个网站上:http ://www.finn.no/finn/realestate/pulse/priceinfo/ 在标签“Solgte boliger”下。(放大代表首都奥斯陆的红色区域)

该地图显示特定的“属性”或聚合属性(标有加号)。如果您单击其中一个图标,则会出现一个弹出窗口,其中包含指向特定属性的链接。在这个链接中存储了一个“finnkode”。我想识别所有可用的 finnkode 并将其存储在数据库中。




1 回答 1


It looks like each property overlay box is stored on the html page like this:

<map id="poiImageMap-1" name="poiImageMap-1">
<area id="poi_93955716" class="type_10002 group" shape="rect" coords="630,168,646,184" title="FINN-eiendom-solgt" href="">
<area id="poi_93955715" class="type_10002 group" shape="rect" coords="578,50,594,66" title="FINN-eiendom-solgt" href="">

And once you click on one of the overlays, the box pops up that contains the information you want, and is displayed somewhere in the html code (example too long to post here).

You could write a parser to scrape through this page, clicking each overlay and then recording the data that appears in the popup box.

于 2012-12-22T20:55:10.087 回答