I currently work in an environment where reports must be emailed to users as a PowerSoft file. There is a global PowerBuilder function which is used on a computed column my datawindow. This datawindow becomes the final psr report.
In my testing the function is resolved fine, when run live. However, when the user runs the report, it sends the psr to their respective email address. (I didn't design the system)
When they open the psr, the function is not resolved. Does anyone know if it is possible to wrap this function into the datawindow or into the final psr?

Thanks, Glenn


1 回答 1


全局函数必须通过 PSR 查看器可用。时期。用户的 PSR 查看器必须具有相同的全局函数才能正确呈现数据窗口。

有一种方法可以解决它,但它相当乏味。基本上,您需要将计算域(使用全局函数)替换为 SQL 列。更新您的 SQL 以包含适当数据类型的虚拟列。完成检索后,获取计算字段的值(查找“Describe('evaluate')”)并在您的虚拟列上执行 SetItem()。显示列而不是计算域。

于 2009-11-03T19:00:12.290 回答