是否可以从该 JVM 实例内部访问 JVM 的 JMX 服务器?还是我必须通过标准套接字/端口远程接口连接?
+----------------------------------------+ Option 2: Connect
| +---------------------------+ | through sockets like
| | My Notification Listener |+----->----------+ a remote
| | | | | monitor.
| +---------------------------+ | |
| + | |
| Option 1: connect| | |
| to the internal | | |
| JMX server. I'm | | |
| trying to find | | |
| if this is possible. | |
| | | |
| | | |
| A single JVM instance. | | |
| | | |
| +------------+-----v------+--+ | |
| | | GuageMXBean|<-+<--------------+
| | +------------+ | |
| | JMX MXBean Server | |
| +----------------------------+ |
背景:我正在尝试实现一个响应 JVM 状态的“智能”系统,特别是内存使用情况,在将工作数据缓存到磁盘和将其保存在 ram 之间切换。设置 JMX 侦听器似乎比运行执行以下操作的后台线程更优雅:
Runtime RTime = Runtime.getRuntime();
if((RTime.totalMemory / RTime.maxMemory) > upperThreshold) cachmode = CACHETODISK;
if((RTime.totalMemory / RTime.maxMemory) < lowerThreshold) cachmode = CACHETORAM;
这是我的第一篇 SO 帖子,因此欢迎任何关于改进等问题的提示。