My question is rather simple. Is there a system for CodeIgniter that allows both local and 3rd party login? (Such as FB/Twitter/Google etc.)

I've tried A3M but it's hard to use and requires tinkering before it will even work out of the box, as is the case with outdated software.

My current solution is flexi auth, however it doesn't offer 3rd party login at all, and after an email to the developer it doesn't look like he's planning on integrating it anytime soon.

So does anyone know of a good system that is up-to-date and provides both 3rd party and local login?

If there isn't one, what other PHP framework does have such a package?

Edit for Clarity: I'm looking for a system that does both these things. While I appreciate the answers and comments with systems that I can integrate myself, the end result of that will be shaky at best. There's gotta be someone who's done this before, all integrated into one package so it's designed to work together.


2 回答 2


如果你想要一个 CI OAuth2 实现,你可以使用这个既是客户端又是服务器的库:

否则,对于 OpenID,请使用此库:

于 2012-12-22T03:42:21.763 回答

一个月前我也在寻找类似的东西,但没有成功。我见过的唯一一个以简单方式集成所有内容的框架是meteor,但它不是 PHP 框架。

我必须自己通过在 CI 库中包装不同的 PHP 库来完成。源代码在 github 上:CI TwitterWho You Meet(一个实时网络应用程序),它具有 Twitter、LinkedIn 和 Facebook 身份验证以及许多本地身份验证逻辑,包括电子邮件验证和密码恢复。


也许您将有时间将所有这些逻辑提取到一个独立的库中(就像我为 twitter 所做的那样)供其他人使用:)

于 2012-12-22T13:12:18.710 回答