Are there any default apps on Android? Especially in 4.2?

iOS 6 has Passbook, built-in Facebook/Twitter support, allowing for greater integration into these services.

Is there something similar on Android that can reliably be accessed across all devices running the latest Android OS version?

I know that there are Android apps that can read the Passbook file, but they're not Google products the way Passbook is an iOS product. Similarly, I know that there are Facebook and Twitter Android apps, but they may or may not be installed and may or may not respond to an Intent that's possibly structured differently between versions of those apps. Am I just doomed to deal with this fragmented space, building for the past and hoping it won't break in the future?


1 回答 1


是的,所有的安卓开发者都注定了这样的命运。大多数 Android 设备都带有 GMail、Google 日历等功能,但 Android 是完全开放的,这意味着并非所有设备都必须包含这些(事实上,过去包含它们时遇到了麻烦)。

不过,请记住以下几点(在 99.999% 以上的情况下):

  • Google Play 商店将始终安装在设备上(假设这是您发布应用的位置)。
  • 浏览器或某种形式的浏览器(Chrome、Dolphin 等)都将安装在设备上。



于 2012-12-22T02:19:02.887 回答