Operating Windows7

I downloaded and unzipped Openx 2.8.10 into c:/wamp/www/

I started the OpenX installation into localhost and came to a screen: Do you already have an OpenX.org account?

There were 2 Options: I have an OpenX.org account/ I do not have an OpenX.org account

I clicked: I do not have an OpenX.org account and entered a username.

The username came up as not available.

Tried again with a different username, and again, and again. I typed in a jumble of letters and symbols. Still not available.

AHA!! I went online and registered with www.openx.org. I received an activation key via email, activated my account and successfully registered.

I started the OpenX localhost installation again.

I came to the screen: I have an OpenX.org account I do not have an OpenX.org account

I clicked:I have an OpenX.org account (!!!)

I entered my newly registered username and password and got: Invalid user name or password. Please check that the OpenX User name and password are correct. [Yes, I did check. I re-entered them several times.] If you have recently signed up for a new OpenX.org account, make sure you have gone into your email and activated your OpenX.org account.

I tried again, and again but I can't get past that registration screen.


1 回答 1


我意识到问题不在于激活帐户 openx.org,而在于启用了我的浏览器 Firefox 22.0a2(带有附加组件安全性)。

我的解决方案是使用实际上是 QtWeb 浏览器的浏览器和清晰的灯光(无附加组件)。

仅使用 QtWeb 浏览器即可顺利安装。



于 2013-04-18T21:10:51.377 回答