我正在使用 Python 中的 Shelve,但遇到了一个问题:

In [391]: x
Out[391]: {'broken': {'position': 25, 'page': 1, 'letter': 'a'}}

In [392]: x['broken'].update({'page':1,'position':25,'letter':'b'})

In [393]: x
Out[393]: {'broken': {'position': 25, 'page': 1, 'letter': 'a'}}



1 回答 1



如果可选writeback参数设置为True,则所有访问的条目也都缓存在内存中,并写回sync()and close();这可以更方便地改变持久字典中的可变条目,但是,如果访问了许多条目,它会消耗大量内存用于缓存,并且由于所有访问的条目都被写回,它会使关闭操作非常慢(无法确定哪些访问的条目是可变的,也无法确定哪些条目实际上是突变的)。


d = shelve.open(filename) # open -- file may get suffix added by low-level
                          # library
# as d was opened WITHOUT writeback=True, beware:
d['xx'] = range(4)  # this works as expected, but...
d['xx'].append(5)   # *this doesn't!* -- d['xx'] is STILL range(4)!

# having opened d without writeback=True, you need to code carefully:
temp = d['xx']      # extracts the copy
temp.append(5)      # mutates the copy
d['xx'] = temp      # stores the copy right back, to persist it

# or, d=shelve.open(filename,writeback=True) would let you just code
# d['xx'].append(5) and have it work as expected, BUT it would also
# consume more memory and make the d.close() operation slower.
d.close()       # close it
于 2012-12-21T20:41:41.287 回答