我正在使用 Nitrogen/Inets 为我的家庭使用构建一个简单的网站。只要我有一个连接到 Web 服务器的客户端,当前版本就可以按预期工作。
如果我尝试连接新用户,则 2 个会话似乎共享相同的状态变量:
- 浏览器1:阅读索引页,点击连接,以user1登录。
- 浏览器 2:读取索引页面,用户是 user1 --> 不正常 - 去登录并以 user2 身份输入。似乎还可以。
- 浏览器 1:重新加载主页 --> 用户更改为 user2 --> 非常糟糕 :o(
此外,我还包括一个显示超时计数器的显示 -> 值在两个浏览器上同步。
index.erl 的提取
header() ->
% if the user is not defined, show in the header a button to connect, change the title and display a reduced menu (thanks to common module)
% if the user is defined, show in the header a button to disconnect, change the title and display a complete menu (thanks to common module)
User = wf:user(),
Msg = case User of
undefined ->
"Pas connecté";
User ->
"Welcome " ++ User
case User of
undefined ->
common:header(Msg, #button { id=dcnx, text="Connexion", postback=connexion , class = rightalign});
User ->
common:header(Msg, #button { id=dcnx, text="Deconnexion", postback=deconnexion , class = rightalign})
body() ->
#container_12 { body= #grid_8 { alpha=true, prefix=2, suffix=2, omega=true, body=inner_body(wf:user()) }}.
inner_body(User) ->
Msg = case User of
undefined -> "Pas connecté";
_ -> User ++ " home"
#h2{ text= Msg },
event(deconnexion) ->
% a temporary popup just to display the user name and check the function call
wf:wire(#alert { text="Bye bye " ++ wf:user() }),
wf:clear_session(), % erase the session information
wf:redirect("index"); % redisplay the index page
event(connexion) ->
event(E) -> common:event(E).
login.erl 的摘录:
body() ->
% the login requires a name and a password,
% checks that {name,password} exists
Body = [
#label { text="Name" },
#textbox { id=nameTextBox, next=passwordTextBox },
#label { text="Password" },
#password { id=passwordTextBox, next=continueButton },
#button { id=continueButton, text="Continue", postback=continue }
wf:wire(continueButton, nameTextBox, #validate { validators=[
#is_required { text="Obligatoire." },
#custom { text="utilisateur invalide.", tag=tag_name, function=fun name_validator/2 }
wf:wire(continueButton, passwordTextBox, #validate { validators=[
#is_required { text="Obligatoire." },
#custom { text="mot de passe incorrect.", tag=tag_password, function=fun password_validator/2 }
event(continue) ->
Name = wf:q(nameTextBox), % retreive the name
wf:user(Name), % define as user
wf:role(admin,is_admin(Name)), % define role
wf:session(logged,true), % define as logged
wf:redirect_from_login("index"); % go back to the calling page or index if not defined
event(_) -> ok.