好的,所以我加载的视图使用它从控制器接收的数据。然后,我使用 jquery .change 侦听器来侦听选择选项列表中的更改。这将触发一个函数运行,本质上一个 ajax 请求将被发送到我在控制器中的一个函数。在该函数中,我需要尝试“重新加载”通过控制器索引加载的数据,但使用基于下拉列表值的新参数。截至目前,带有数据的初始页面加载工作正常。jquery .change 和 ajax 请求也可以正常工作,但是,控制器功能不会重置页面数据。这是我所拥有的......任何帮助将不胜感激。
jQuery(在我的 members_home.php 视图中):
$('#folder_select').change(function() {
var data = $('#folder_select').val();
function loadTables(str) {
url: '<?php echo base_url().'account/members_home/folderSelector';?>',
type: 'POST',
data: { folderCat: str },
success: function(output_string){
Members_home.php 查看(html):
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<th width="50%">File Name:</th>
<th width="30%">File Size:</th>
<th>Download Link:</th>
$c = true;
foreach((array)$things as $files){
if (!empty($files) > 0) {
if ($files['size'] >= 1000000000) {
$files['size'] = round( ($files['size'] / 1000000000) , 2).' GB';
else if ($files['size'] >= 1000000) {
$files['size'] = round( ($files['size'] / 1000000) , 2).' MB';
$files['size'] = round( ($files['size'] / 1000) , 2).' KB';
echo '<tr'.(($c = !$c)?' class="odd"':'').">
<td><a href='$files[location]' >Download</a></td>
}else {
echo '<tr><td colspan="3">Folder is empty.</td></tr>';
} ?>
</table><br />
Members_home 控制器:
function index()
$is_logged_in = $this->loggedin->loggedin();
redirect('account/createaccount', 'refresh');
$q = $this->account_model->folder();
$data['folder'] = $q;
// This part gets the data that's used in the html table
$userID = $this->session->userdata('id');
$data['things'] = $this->account_model->folder_Homepage($userID);
$data['main_content'] = 'account/members_home';
$this->load->view('includes/template2', $data);
// This function is used during the ajax request
public function folderSelector()
$fID = $this->input->post('folderCat');
$limit = 10;
$userID = $this->session->userdata('id');
$data['things'] = $this->account_model->folder_page($fID, $userID, $limit);
// This is the part that is not working, shouldn't I be able to reload
// $data['things'] and send it to the view with the new parameters?
$data['main_content'] = 'account/members_home';
$this->load->view('includes/template2', $data);