我有一个项目设置 - 它是托管在 ASP.Net 站点中的 Silverlight 客户端应用程序。它具有用于与 SQL Server 数据库通信的 ADO.Net 实体框架和用于通信的 ADO.Net 数据服务。我在让我的异步 CRUD Silverlight Insert 在我的数据库上工作时遇到了一些麻烦。第一种方法触发良好并传入 URI。但是当“OnClientJobQueryComplete”方法触发时,它失败了大约 5 行,我不明白为什么。异常显示“处理此请求时发生错误”。
private void addStuff_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Define a URI that returns the product with the specified ID.
Uri jobrefUri = new Uri(svcContext.BaseUri.AbsoluteUri
+ "/ClientJob(" + this.jobref.Text + ")");
// Begin a query operation retrieve the Product object
// that is required to add a link to the new Order_Detail.
private void OnClientJobQueryCompleted(IAsyncResult result)
// Use the Dispatcher to ensure that the
// asynchronous call returns in the correct thread.
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
// Get the Product returned by the completed query.
IEnumerable<ClientJob> queryResult =
svcContext.EndExecute<ClientJob>(result);//**TRIES THIS BUT FAILS HERE
ClientJob returnedClientJob = queryResult.First();
// Get the currently selected order. (Create new Guid since not Northwind)
Guid g = Guid.NewGuid();
// Create a new Order_Details object with the supplied FK values.
Job newItem = Job.CreateJob(g);
//Job newItem = Job.CreateJob(g, returnedClientJob.JobRef);
// Add the new item to the context.
//// Add the relationship between the order and the new item.
//svcContext.AddLink(currentOrder, "Order_Details", newItem);
//// Set the reference to the order and product from the item.
//newItem.Orders = currentOrder;
//svcContext.SetLink(newItem, "Orders", currentOrder);
// Add the relationship between the product and the new item.
svcContext.AddLink(returnedClientJob, "Job", newItem);
// Set the reference to the product from the item.
newItem.ClientJob = returnedClientJob;
svcContext.SetLink(newItem, "ClientJob", returnedClientJob);
此代码是从使用 Northwind 数据库的 Microsoft 教程中提取和修改的。本教程中的所有其他代码示例都可以正常工作,因为我的数据库与 Northwind 的结构相似。到目前为止,我已经能够实现 RUD,但不能实现 CRUD。