i try to run QObject inhereted class called "Dispatcher" that is using QtWebKit functions in separate thread.
then the main GUI thread , but when i init the object im getting :
First-chance exception at 0x74f2c41f infoo .exe: 0x000006A6: The binding handle is invalid
and the Signal and Slots in the object doesn't work , they do return true but never invoked. i guess it related some how to the error i see . according to the internet i need to start the new thread like this :
CollectorWorker* pCollectorWorker = new CollectorWorker(pUrlStack,m_pSettings);
pCollectorWorker->moveToThread( QApplication::instance()->thread());
QCoreApplication::postEvent(pCollectorWorker, new QEvent( QEvent::User ) );
where CollectorWorker is the separate thread object that init the Dispatcher class. when i init the Dispatcher class im getting this error.
bool CollectorWorker::event( QEvent *ev )
if( ev->type() == QEvent::User )
Dispatcher dispatcher; // here im getting the error.
return true;
return false;