I have the following file input tag in the "Create" View:
<input type="file" id="RequestFile" name="RequestFile"/>
The ViewModel contains this corresponding property:
[Required(ErrorMessage="Please select a file")]
public HttpPostedFileBase RequestFile { get; set; }
This works fine in the "Create" View, but in the "Edit" View, I get ModelState.Isvalid as false. Using the same ViewModel I would like to exclude this field from validations because I would not want to upload the file again.
I tried simply disabling the input tag like this:
<input type="file" id="RequestFile" name="RequestFile" disabled/>
This has a disabled input control but the Validation still fired.
Also applying the BindAttribute in the Controller did not work (see this Question)
Ideally (I know it sounds unlikely), if there is a server-side solution to this, please post your thoughts. If there is a small client-side trick, please let me know!