我有以下三个与 Amazon API 交互的函数。当我使用 parse_orders_result 函数时,它似乎需要大约 30 秒才能完成。我通过运行这个 get_orders 函数并注释掉了 parse_orders_result 发现了这一点,它在 3 秒内完成了 do while 循环的每次迭代。然而,当我运行解析的东西时,它需要我下面提到的 30 秒。如何提高此操作的性能?


public function get_orders($date)
        $this->throttle = amazon_throttle::list_orders_throttle();
        $this->endpoint = "mws.amazonservices.com";
        $this->url = "https://mws.amazonservices.com/Orders/$date";
        $this->action = "ListOrders";
        $this->version = '2011-01-01';
        $this->api = "/Orders/$date\n"; 
        $this->options = array( 
                                'Action' => 'ListOrders',
                                'OrderStatus.Status.4'=>'Canceled',//Get all unshipped, partially shipped, shipped, and canceled orders. This will update these types of orders if their status changes on Amazon
                                'LastUpdatedAfter'=> date("c", strtotime('-1 Month')) //FIXME update this to reflect our download interval later
            $results = $this->send_request(); //commented out for testing
        catch (Exception $e)
             echo $e->getMessage();
             return false;

        //$results = sql::value("SELECT api_response from dhs.dbo.api_response where id = 444");
        $xml = new SimpleXMLIterator($results); //make the iterator here so we can check for a nexttoken
        $orders = $this->parse_orders_result($xml->ListOrdersResult->Orders);
        if ($xml->ListOrdersResult->NextToken)
            $next_token = (string)$xml->ListOrdersResult->NextToken;
                $results = $this->get_orders_next_token($next_token);
                $xml = new SimpleXMLIterator($results);
                $returned = $this->parse_orders_result($xml->ListOrdersByNextTokenResult->Orders);
                $orders = array_merge($orders, $returned);
                if ($xml->ListOrdersByNextTokenResult->NextToken)
                    $next_token = (string) $xml->ListOrdersByNextTokenResult->NextToken;
                    $next_token = null;
        //this stored procedure creates patient_ids for each order (if the patient doesn't already exist) and updates the orders table with with their patient_id
        sql::query('EXEC dhs.dbo.sp_create_patients');
        return $orders;


$xml->registerXPathNamespace('amz', 'https://mws.amazonservices.com/Orders/2011-01-01');
            $orders = array();

            foreach ($xml->Order as $order)
                $last = null;
                $name = explode(' ', preg_replace('/[^A-z ]/', '', (string) $order->BuyerName)); //remove all special characters
                if (!isset($name[1]) || !$name[1])
                    $attn_last = explode(' ', preg_replace('/[^A-z ]/', '',$order->ShippingAddress->Name)); //remove all special characters
                    $pos = count($attn_last) - 1;
                    $last = $attn_last[$pos];
                $phone = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', (string) $order->ShippingAddress->Phone); //remove everything that is not an int
                $phone = "(" . substr($phone, 0,3) . ")" . substr($phone,3, 3) . "-" . substr($phone, 6); //format phone number

                //order and ship status are both int values tied to information in the db
                $ship_method = array_search(strtoupper((string) $order->ShipmentServiceLevelCategory),
                        sql::two_column_array("SELECT id, description FROM dhs.dbo.shipping_method WHERE site IS NULL or site = 'AMAZON' "));
                $order_status = array_search(strtoupper((string) $order->OrderStatus),
                        sql::two_column_array("SELECT id, description FROM dhs.dbo.order_status WHERE site IS NULL or site = 'AMAZON' "));
                //you have to cast found elements as string or they are returned as SimpleXMLIterator objects and you can't get the value
                $arr = array(
                        'order_code'=> (string) $order->AmazonOrderId,
                        'amount'=> (string) $order->OrderTotal->Amount,
                        'purchased_on' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($order->PurchaseDate)),
                        'market_id' => (string) $order->MarketplaceId[0],
                        'status'=> $order_status,
                        'site'=> 'AMAZON',
                        'last_update' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
                        'addr1'=> (string) $order->ShippingAddress->AddressLine1,
                        'addr2'=>(string) $order->ShippingAddress->AddressLine2,
                        'city'=>(string) $order->ShippingAddress->City,
                        'state'=>(string) $order->ShippingAddress->StateOrRegion,
                        'zip'=>(string) $order->ShippingAddress->PostalCode,
                        'attention'=>(string) $order->ShippingAddress->Name,
                        'email'=>(string) $order->BuyerEmail,
                        'first'=>array_shift($name), //remove the 0 element, use array shift so we can glue the rest of the array together for last name
                        'last'=>(implode(' ', $name)) ? implode(' ', $name): $last,
                        'fullname'=>(string) $order->BuyerName,
                        'unshipped_items'=> (string) $order->NumberOfItemsUnshipped
                foreach ($arr as $k => $v)
                    $arr[$k] = strtoupper($v);

                $id = sql::merge('dhs', 'dbo', 'orders', array('order_code', 'site'), $arr, 'id');
                $arr['order_id'] = $id;
                sql::merge('dhs', 'dbo', 'order_shipping', array('order_id'), $arr);

                $orders[] = $arr;
            return $orders;


不幸的是,我无法安装 XDebugger(它是公司服务器,我没有权限)。但是,我可以提供更多见解:

  • $xml->Orders 最多为 100 个订单(因此只有 100 次迭代),每个订单大约 1000 个字符
  • 尽管我们每次迭代都会执行多个数据库请求(我将删除),但任何时候最多只有 150 个用户访问服务器(可能少于 70 个)
  • 服务器环境:IIS 6、PHP 5.3、MSSQL Server 2008 R2、48GB RAM、16 个 2.7ghz 处理器内核(超线程复制 32 个处理器)

1 回答 1


这个问题肯定与我们对数据库运行的查询数量有关。我创建了一个接受多维数组的新合并语句,并从 foreach 循环中删除了不必要的查询,并将执行时间减少到 24 秒(通过 do-while 循环进行了 5 次迭代)。下面是修改后的解析命令函数:

private function parse_orders_result(SimpleXMLIterator $xml)
            $shipping_methods = sql::two_column_array("SELECT id, description FROM dhs.dbo.shipping_method WHERE site IS NULL or site = 'AMAZON' ");
            $order_statuses = sql::two_column_array("SELECT id, description FROM dhs.dbo.order_status WHERE site IS NULL or site = 'AMAZON' ");
            $xml->registerXPathNamespace('amz', 'https://mws.amazonservices.com/Orders/2011-01-01');
            $orders = array();

            foreach ($xml->Order as $order)
                $last = null;
                $name = explode(' ', preg_replace('/[^A-z ]/', '', (string) $order->BuyerName)); //remove all special characters
                if (!isset($name[1]) || !$name[1])
                    $attn_last = explode(' ', preg_replace('/[^A-z ]/', '',$order->ShippingAddress->Name)); //remove all special characters
                    $pos = count($attn_last) - 1;
                    $last = $attn_last[$pos];
                $phone = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', (string) $order->ShippingAddress->Phone); //remove everything that is not an int
                $phone = "(" . substr($phone, 0,3) . ")" . substr($phone,3, 3) . "-" . substr($phone, 6); //format phone number

                //order and ship status are both int values tied to information in the db
                $ship_method = array_search(strtoupper((string) $order->ShipmentServiceLevelCategory), $shipping_methods);
                $order_status = array_search(strtoupper((string) $order->OrderStatus), $order_statuses);
                //you have to cast found elements as string or they are returned as SimpleXMLIterator objects and you can't get the value
                $arr = array(
                        'order_code'=> (string) $order->AmazonOrderId,
                        'amount'=> (string) $order->OrderTotal->Amount,
                        'purchased_on' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($order->PurchaseDate)),
                        'market_id' => (string) $order->MarketplaceId[0],
                        'status'=> $order_status,
                        'site'=> 'AMAZON',
                        'last_update' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
                        'addr1'=> (string) $order->ShippingAddress->AddressLine1,
                        'addr2'=>(string) $order->ShippingAddress->AddressLine2,
                        'city'=>(string) $order->ShippingAddress->City,
                        'state'=>(string) $order->ShippingAddress->StateOrRegion,
                        'zip'=>(string) $order->ShippingAddress->PostalCode,
                        'attention'=>(string) $order->ShippingAddress->Name,
                        'email'=>(string) $order->BuyerEmail,
                        'first'=>array_shift($name), //remove the 0 element, use array shift so we can glue the rest of the array together for last name
                        'last'=>(implode(' ', $name)) ? implode(' ', $name): $last,
                        'fullname'=>(string) $order->BuyerName,
                        'unshipped_items'=> (string) $order->NumberOfItemsUnshipped
                foreach ($arr as $k => $v)
                    $arr[$k] = strtoupper($v);

                $orders[] = $arr;
            sql::bulk_merge('dhs', 'dbo', 'orders', array('order_code', 'site'), $orders, 'id');
            sql::bulk_merge('dhs', 'dbo', 'order_shipping', array('order_code', 'site'), $orders);
            return $orders;
于 2012-12-21T19:06:34.320 回答