我正在创建一个 ExcelProcessor 对象,然后该对象将获取我在构造函数中指定的文件。在此之后,我检索书籍、行,然后是行中的单元格。第一行具有每列保存数据的名称。不幸的是,如果任何单元格连续为空白,它就会立即停止处理。有没有办法说在每行中读取 X 列?
public class ExcelProcessor
private static File xslFile;
ExcelProcessor( String file )
xslFile = new File(file);
* creates an {@link HSSFWorkbook} the specified OS filename.
* Returns an XSSF Workbook object that can be queried.
* This method either returns a Workbook with the specified
* file location or it will throw an IO Error.
* @return the Excel Workbook
* @see XSSFWB
private XSSFWorkbook readFile() throws IOException
return new XSSFWorkbook(new FileInputStream(xslFile));
* Returns all rows of the XSSF Workbook that is read in via the file system.
* This method returns a XSSFRow array for processing
* @param wb the Excel workbook located on the file system
* @return Rows contained within the Excel Workbook
* @see XSSFRows
private XSSFRow[] retrieveRows(XSSFWorkbook wb)
XSSFSheet xslSheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
XSSFRow[] sheetRows = new XSSFRow[xslSheet.getLastRowNum()];
for (int i = 0; i < xslSheet.getLastRowNum(); i++)
sheetRows[i] = xslSheet.getRow(i);
return sheetRows;
private XSSFWorkbook modifyRows(XSSFWorkbook wb)
return wb;
* Processes all rows of the XSSF Workbook that is read in via the file system.
* Each Cell is pulled from the rows to create a structure needed for WQS
* Web Services.
* This method returns a String array for all Cells pulled from the Rows
* @param xslRow Current row pulled from the XSL Workbook
* @return String Array of all Row Cell Values
* @see String[]
public String[] processRow(XSSFRow xslRow)
int totalCells = xslRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells();
System.out.println("Total Cells: " + totalCells);
String[] cellValues = new String[totalCells];
for (int i = 0; i < totalCells; i++)
XSSFCell currentCell = xslRow.getCell(i);
String cellVal;
cellVal = currentCell.getStringCellValue();
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("Empty Cell");
cellVal = "";
cellValues[i] = cellVal;
return cellValues;
* Main method which creates an ExcelProcessor before handling the Excel
* Spreadsheet given to the user.
* @param args
* @throws ParserConfigurationException
* @throws SAXException
public static void main(String args[]) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException
ExcelProcessor driver = new ExcelProcessor("D:\\TestBook.xlsx");
XSSFWorkbook xslWB = driver.readFile();
XSSFRow[] xslRows = driver.retrieveRows(xslWB);
ArrayList<String[]> rowCellVals = new ArrayList<String[]>();
for (int r = 0; r < xslRows.length; r++)
String sessionKey = WQSServices.sessionToken();
System.out.println("Have the Session Key: " + sessionKey);
WQSServices.uploadAttachment(sessionKey, rowCellVals);
catch (IOException e)