

cor( xmpl[[:]]$data[[:]][c('a','b','c')],  xmpl[[:]]$age)

其中结果将是3 x length(a)数组或列表,反映 agea(row 1)、b(row 2) 和c(row 3) 的每个元素的每个实例相关xmpl

我正在阅读代表不同管道输出的矩阵。每个主题有 3 个这样的主题和很多主题。目前,我已经建立了一个主题列表,其中包含一个管道矩阵列表。


 $ :List of 4
  ..$ id       : int 5
  ..$ age      : num 10
  ..$ data     :List of 3
  .. ..$ a: num [1:10, 1:10] 0.782 1.113 3.988 0.253 4.118 ...
  .. ..$ b: num [1:10, 1:10] 5.25 5.31 5.28 5.43 5.13 ...
  .. ..$ c: num [1:10, 1:10] 1.19e-05 5.64e-03 7.65e-01 1.65e-03 4.50e-01 ...
  ..$ otherdata: chr "ignorefornow"

我想将a所有科目的每个元素与科目的年龄相关联。然后对 and 执行相同的操作bc并将结果放入列表中。

我认为我正在以一种对 R 来说很尴尬的方式来处理这个问题。我对存储和检索这些数据的“R 方式”很感兴趣。

数据结构和所需的输出 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/56019781/linked/struct-2012-12-19.svg


## example structure
xmpl.mat  <- function(){ matrix(runif(100),nrow=10) }
xmpl.list <- function(x){ list(  id=x, age=2*x, data=list(  a=x*xmpl.mat(), b=x+xmpl.mat(), c=xmpl.mat()^x   ), otherdata='ignorefornow' ) }
xmpl      <- lapply( 1:5, xmpl.list )

## extract
ages <- laply(xmpl,'[[','age')
data <- llply(xmpl,'[[','data')

# to get the cor for one set of matrices is easy enough
# though it would be nice to do: a <- xmpl[[:]]$data$a
x.a      <- sapply(data,'[[','a')
x.a.corr <- apply(x.a,1,cor,ages)

# ...

#xmpl.corr   <- list(x.a.corr,x.b.corr,x.c.corr)

# and by loop, not R like?
for (i in 1:length(names(data[[1]])) ){
  x <- sapply(data,'[[',i)
  xmpl.corr[[i]] <- apply(x,1,cor,ages)
names(xmpl.corr) <- names(data[[1]])


List of 3
 $ a: num [1:100] 0.712 -0.296 0.739 0.8 0.77 ...
 $ b: num [1:100] 0.98 0.997 0.974 0.983 0.992 ...
 $ c: num [1:100] -0.914 -0.399 -0.844 -0.339 -0.571 ..

2 回答 2



ages <- sapply(xmpl, "[[", "age")                      # extract ages
data <- sapply(xmpl, function(x) unlist(x[["data"]]))  # combine all matrices
corr <- apply(data, 1, cor, ages)                      # calculate correlations
xmpl.corr <- split(corr, substr(names(corr), 1, 1))    # split the vector
于 2012-12-20T20:09:21.770 回答

您可能希望将所有这些都放在一个列表中,而不是 xa、xb、xc。

# First, get a list of the items in data
      abc  <- names(xmpl[[1]]$data)    # incase variables change in future
names(abc) <- abc   # these are the same names that will be used for the final list. You can use whichever names make sense

## use lapply to keep as list, use sapply to "simplify" the list
x.data.list <- lapply(abc, function(z)
                  sapply(xmpl, function(xm) c(xm$data[[z]])) )

ages <- sapply(xmpl, `[[`, "age")

# Then compute the correlations.  Note that on each element of x.data.list we are apply'ing per row
correlations <- lapply(x.data.list, apply, 1, cor, ages)
于 2012-12-20T20:33:25.863 回答