




FileRoutines.CopyFile(new FileInfo("source.txt"), new FileInfo("dest.txt"));


public sealed class FileRoutines
    public static void CopyFile(FileInfo source, FileInfo destination)
        CopyFile(source, destination, CopyFileOptions.None);

    public static void CopyFile(FileInfo source, FileInfo destination, 
        CopyFileOptions options)
        CopyFile(source, destination, options, null);

    public static void CopyFile(FileInfo source, FileInfo destination, 
        CopyFileOptions options, CopyFileCallback callback)
        CopyFile(source, destination, options, callback, null);

    public static void CopyFile(FileInfo source, FileInfo destination, 
        CopyFileOptions options, CopyFileCallback callback, object state)
        if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
        if (destination == null) 
            throw new ArgumentNullException("destination");
        if ((options & ~CopyFileOptions.All) != 0) 
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("options");

        new FileIOPermission(
            FileIOPermissionAccess.Read, source.FullName).Demand();
        new FileIOPermission(
            FileIOPermissionAccess.Write, destination.FullName).Demand();

        CopyProgressRoutine cpr = callback == null ? 
            null : new CopyProgressRoutine(new CopyProgressData(
                source, destination, callback, state).CallbackHandler);

        bool cancel = false;
        if (!CopyFileEx(source.FullName, destination.FullName, cpr, 
            IntPtr.Zero, ref cancel, (int)options))
            throw new IOException(new Win32Exception().Message);

    private class CopyProgressData
        private FileInfo _source = null;
        private FileInfo _destination = null;
        private CopyFileCallback _callback = null;
        private object _state = null;

        public CopyProgressData(FileInfo source, FileInfo destination, 
            CopyFileCallback callback, object state)
            _source = source; 
            _destination = destination;
            _callback = callback;
            _state = state;

        public int CallbackHandler(
            long totalFileSize, long totalBytesTransferred, 
            long streamSize, long streamBytesTransferred, 
            int streamNumber, int callbackReason,
            IntPtr sourceFile, IntPtr destinationFile, IntPtr data)
            return (int)_callback(_source, _destination, _state, 
                totalFileSize, totalBytesTransferred);

    private delegate int CopyProgressRoutine(
        long totalFileSize, long TotalBytesTransferred, long streamSize, 
        long streamBytesTransferred, int streamNumber, int callbackReason,
        IntPtr sourceFile, IntPtr destinationFile, IntPtr data);

    [DllImport("Kernel32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto, SetLastError=true)]
    private static extern bool CopyFileEx(
        string lpExistingFileName, string lpNewFileName,
        CopyProgressRoutine lpProgressRoutine,
        IntPtr lpData, ref bool pbCancel, int dwCopyFlags);

public delegate CopyFileCallbackAction CopyFileCallback(
    FileInfo source, FileInfo destination, object state, 
    long totalFileSize, long totalBytesTransferred);

public enum CopyFileCallbackAction
    Continue = 0,
    Cancel = 1,
    Stop = 2,
    Quiet = 3

public enum CopyFileOptions
    None = 0x0,
    FailIfDestinationExists = 0x1,
    Restartable = 0x2,
    AllowDecryptedDestination = 0x8,
    All = FailIfDestinationExists | Restartable | AllowDecryptedDestination



2 回答 2


包装器已经拥有处理进度所需的管道。只需在返回之前实现代码以在 CallbackHandler 中更新您的进度条。progressBar1.Maximum 默认为 100,因此下面的代码将计算百分比。

用这个替换你当前的 CopyFile 调用:

CopyFileCallbackAction myCallback(FileInfo source, FileInfo destination, object state, long totalFileSize, long totalBytesTransferred)
    double dProgress = (totalBytesTransferred / (double)totalFileSize) * 100.0;
    progressBar1.Value = (int)dProgress;
    return CopyFileCallbackAction.Continue;

FileRoutines.CopyFile(new FileInfo("source.txt"), new FileInfo("dest.txt"), myCallback);
于 2012-12-20T16:26:27.700 回答

如果您只想显示文件副本的进度条,您可以这样。它使用显示进度条和剩余时间的 Windows 标准对话框,并有一个取消按钮。这正是我在基本上一行代码中所需要的。

// The following using directive requires a project reference to Microsoft.VisualBasic. 
using Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO;

class FileProgress
    static void Main()
        // Specify the path to a folder that you want to copy. If the folder is small,  
        // you won't have time to see the progress dialog box. 
        string sourcePath = @"C:\Windows\symbols\";
        // Choose a destination for the copied files. 
        string destinationPath = @"C:\TestFolder";

        FileSystem.CopyDirectory(sourcePath, destinationPath,
于 2016-09-01T14:45:19.690 回答