I am implementing tabs. I have five tabs. For each tab i am calling screen in following way. In displayTab1() function i am calling another class, It is easily loading MyScreen class but problem is for first time it is showing me same fields two times and whenever i click on this tab same fields are added continously. I have used delete(tabArea);

         public VerticalFieldManager displayTab1() 
     {  MyScreen loadingScreen = new MyScreen(); 
         return tab1Manager;

Please let me know where i am doing wrong This is view when tabs appears for second time after then when i navigate between tabs buttons are added continously. For first time button are shown two times



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I solved this, In onFocusChanged() i first deleted the whole fields of tab1 by using tabManager1.deleteAll() and after that i added.

于 2012-12-20T12:47:55.760 回答