我还是 C++ 的新手。我想阅读来自多个来源的消息。每个源将以 4 字符 ID 开始数据消息。每个也将有几个数据消息。没有一条消息包含我想要从设备获得的所有信息。那么如果我创建一个ID为对象名的对象,下次收到消息时,该对象会更新还是完全重构呢?有没有办法在代码中调用它之前检查对象是否已经构造?
class Channels{
INT8U systemID; //0x01 Glonass, 0x02 GPS
INT8U satID;
INT8U GlonassNumber;
INT8U SNR; //signal to noise ratio
FP64 carrierPhase; //cylces
FP64 psuedoRange; //milliseconds
FP64 doppler; //HZ cycles
float tropDelay; //meters
float ionoDelay; //meters
class BaseStation{
Channels channel[32]; //each channel object has all channel class variables in it
int numberSatelitesTracked;
FP64 timeUTC;
INT16U week;
FP64 GPStoUTCoffset;
FP64 GLOtoUTCoffset;
INT8S recieverTimeOffset;
FP64 posX; //geocentric coordinates in meters
FP64 posY;
FP64 posZ;
FP64 rmsX; //expected root mean square error of coordinates
FP64 rmsY;
FP64 rmsZ;
if( check == SOCKET_ERROR){
if( WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK){
printf("base station client recieve failed with error %d \n", WSAGetLastError());
FreeSocketInformation(i); //shuts down client socket if no data
//recieve bytes into array
memcpy(recvArray, SocketInfo->DataBuf.buf, SocketInfo->RecvBytes +1);
//print recieved bytes on screen
printf("%s \n", SocketInfo->DataBuf.buf);
//first 4 bytes in message are base ID
cBuffer[0] = recvArray[0];
cBuffer[1] = recvArray[1];
cBuffer[2] = recvArray[2];
cBuffer[3] = recvArray[3];
baseID = cBuffer;
//create object with 4 char name
BaseStation baseID;
//test message identity and sort data
if(recvArray[4] == 0x10 && recvArray[5] == 0xF5){
baseID.timeUTC = combine64(recvArray[6]);
baseID.week = combine16u(recvArray[14]);
baseID.GPStoUTCoffset = combine64(recvArray[16]);
baseID.GLOtoUTCoffset = combine64(recvArray[24]);
baseID.recieverTimeOffset = recvArray[32];
int noChannels = (check-30) /30 ;
if (noChannels >= 32){
noChannels = 32;
int x = 33;
for(int m = 0; m < noChannels; m++){ //advance reading for channel m
baseID.channel[m].systemID = recvArray[x];
baseID.channel[m].satID = recvArray[x];
baseID.channel[m].GlonassNumber = recvArray[x];
baseID.channel[m].SNR = recvArray[x];
baseID.channel[m].carrierPhase = combine64(recvArray[x]);
x = x+8;
baseID.channel[m].psuedoRange = combine64(recvArray[x]);
x = x+8;
baseID.channel[m].doppler = combine64(recvArray[x]);
x = x+10;
} //end of for loop to gather F5 sat data
} //end F5 message data
if(recvArray[4] == 0x10 && recvArray[5] == 0xF6){
baseID.posX = combine64(recvArray[6]);
baseID.posY = combine64(recvArray[14]);
baseID.posZ = combine64(recvArray[22]);
baseID.rmsX = combine64(recvArray[30]);
baseID.rmsY = combine64(recvArray[38]);
baseID.rmsZ = combine64(recvArray[46]);
} //end F6 message data
好的,所以看起来数组可能是我最好使用的。因此,如果我设置 100 个基础对象,然后使用第二个布尔数组跟踪活动数组元素,这看起来应该有效吗?(baseID 添加到基础对象)
BaseStation base[100];
boolean baseActive[100];
int baseNumber;
//begin message processing------------------------------------------------------------
//first 4 bytes in message are base ID
cBuffer[0] = recvArray[0];
cBuffer[1] = recvArray[1];
cBuffer[2] = recvArray[2];
cBuffer[3] = recvArray[3];
string name = cBuffer;
//check for existing baseID------------------------------------------------------------
// 100 array positions
//find if base is already in use, create new if not in use
for(baseNumber = 0; base[baseNumber].baseID != name; baseNumber++){
//for statement increases untill it finds baseID == name
if( baseNumber >= 100){ //baseID not currently in use
for(int n=0; baseActive[n] == true; n++){
//for statement increases untill finds a false baseActive
baseNumber = n; //assign baseNumber to the array position
base[baseNumber].baseID = name; //create new baseID
//check and process message data--------------------------------------------------------
if( base[baseNumber].baseID == name){
baseActive[baseNumber] = true;
//test message identity and sort data
}//end of for loop
//test connection, if no bytes recieved then connection is closed.----------------------
if( SocketInfo->RecvBytes == 0){
FreeSocketInformation(i); //shuts down client socket if no data
} //end of read data from socket
//need to add a timer to remove non sending bases from the baseActive[] array