我在这里使用 Tutis 登录脚本。



$database->query('INSERT INTO users(username, password, email, date, type) 
VALUES (:username, :password, :email, :date, :type)', 
array(':username' => $username, 
'password' => $password, 
'email' => $email, 
'date' => $date, 
'type' => 'staff' // this is the line I added, just ensuring the user is 'staff'

原始代码完全相同,没有'type'=> 'staff'行。运行此命令时,当我检查时,其余值仍会正确保存在数据库中,但该type列仍为空。尝试注册用户时出现以下错误:

Warning: PDOStatement::execute() [pdostatement.execute]: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens in... line database.class.php 71.

在警告之后,我检查了,但在database.class.php文件的第 71 行,这就是全部内容:

/* Execute Query & check for any errors */
if(!$this->statement->execute()){ //this is line 71
    $result = array(
        1 => 'false',
        2 => '<b>[DATABASE] Error - Query:</b> There was an error in sql syntax',
    return $result;

我是 PDO 的新手,我也可以查看教程(并且有),但我无法简单地弄清楚这一点。有什么问题,有人有什么想法吗?如果您熟悉 PDO,您会寻找什么?


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