我在带有 Java 1.7 的 Mac OS X 10.8 上的带有 Jetty 8 的 Railo Express 中运行旧版 CF Fusebox 5.5 应用程序。我也在使用码头 urlrewrite http://tukey.org/urlrewrite/(如果相关的话)


该应用程序在所有其他版本的 CF 中运行良好,在这里也应该运行良好。


有人有这个问题吗?我认为它不一定是“保险丝盒”,所以我想知道这是否是 Railo 4 兼容性问题?

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当表单发布到 /admin/index.cfm?event=Main.Login
时,表单范围工作正常。但是当它发布到 /admin/event/Main.Login 时,表单范围就消失了。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

 <!DOCTYPE urlrewrite
     PUBLIC "-//tuckey.org//DTD UrlRewrite 3.0//EN"

          <to last="false">/admin/index.cfm?event=$1</to>
      <to last="false">/lms/index.cfm?event=$1</to>

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Jetty 服务器根本看不到它们,或者没有正确地将它们转发到 Railo 引擎或其他什么?

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这是他们告诉您放置在web.xml. 我实际上把它放在了 Railo Express 的webdefault.xmlinetc/目录中,我猜它可能只是 Jetty 文件。


1 回答 1


I had a number of issues with Tuckey and ended up using Apache and modrewrite for features that Tuckey just didn't support. That being said Railo + Tomcat/Jetty is not ColdFusion with Jrun and the configuration was challenging to ensure that mod_rewrite had all the request information and even had the request at all. Even Adobe had to patch CF10 after release because they were missing original functionality from CF9-+JRUN connectors.

However, for your solution, you need to reach up and out. See the thread here.


Other people have the same problem, and have worked around it by placing this in onRequestStart:

    if(gethTTPRequestData().method eq "POST") {
            if(NOT structKeyExists(form,"fieldnames")) {
                    var paramMap = getPageContext().getRequest().getParameterMap();
                    var paramMapKeys = structKeyList(paramMap);
                    form.fieldnames = paramMapKeys;
                    for(x =1; x lte listLen(paramMapKeys); x++) {
                            param = listGetAt(paramMapKeys,x);
                            form[param] = paramMap[param][1];

It's not clear if this is a bug in Jetty, Railo, or Tuckey.

于 2012-12-19T17:48:07.150 回答