我必须将摄氏温度转换为华氏温度。但是,当我以摄氏度打印温度时,我得到了错误的答案!请帮忙 !(公式是 c = (5/9) * (f -32)。当我输入 1 代表华氏度时,我得到 c = -0.0。我不知道出了什么问题:s


import java.io.*; // import/output class
public class FtoC { // Calculates the temperature in Celcius
    public static void main (String[]args) //The main class
    InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in); // Gets user input
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); // manipulates user input
    String input = ""; // Holds the user input
    double f = 0; // Holds the degrees in Fahrenheit
    double c = 0; // Holds the degrees in Celcius
    System.out.println("This program will convert the temperature from degrees Celcius to Fahrenheit.");
    System.out.println("Please enter the temperature in Fahrenheit: ");
    try {
        input = br.readLine(); // Gets the users input
        f = Double.parseDouble(input); // Converts input to a number
    catch (IOException ex)
    c = ((f-32) * (5/9));// Calculates the degrees in Celcius

5 回答 5


You are doing integer division, and hence 5 / 9 will give your 0.

Change it to floating point division: -

c = ((f-32) * (5.0/9));

or, do the multiplication first (Remove the brackets from division): -

c = (f-32) * 5 / 9;

Since, f is double. Numerator will be double only. I think this way is better.

于 2012-12-19T06:32:53.457 回答

You should try using double instead of int as this would lead to loss of precision. Instead of using the whole formula, use one calculation at one time

Example: Use appropriate casting Double this = 5/9

F - Double 32

于 2012-12-19T06:34:24.330 回答

use this rather:

c = (int) ((f-32) * (5.0/9));// Calculates the degrees in Celcius 

as it involves division and you should not use only ints to get proper division

于 2012-12-19T06:35:31.413 回答


System.out.println((5F / 9F) * (f - 32F));
于 2012-12-19T06:39:17.490 回答

除非另有明确规定,Java 将所有数字视为整数。由于整数不能存储数字的小数部分,因此在执行整数除法时,余数被丢弃。所以:5/9 == 0

Rohit 的解决方案c = (f-32) * 5 / 9;可能是最简洁的(尽管缺少显式类型可能会导致一些混乱)。

于 2012-12-19T07:36:58.147 回答