I want to use the Views Bulk Operations (VBO) module to get the possibility to select nodes from a view and then do an action on each of them. However, this action requires additional data to be supplied by user, so what I need is to put another form in between VBO submit and the actual action processing.

I am using the *hook_action_info* hook to define my action. However, as I went through the *hook_action_info* documentation it seems to me that this is not doable using this hook as there is no configuration option to suppress the action bulk ajax update.

Can somebody confirm and/or propose better solution?

In short: User selects nodes from a view using checkboxes, after submitting the form another form appears asking for some more details (having list of nodes as hidden elements in it) and after submitting this one, e-mail is sent per every node. The body of the e-mails is always a combination of node data and the second form data.

Thanks a lot. Petiar.


1 回答 1


因此,我决定忘记 Views 和 VBO(没有难过的感觉)并创建自己的自定义表单。实际上让我相信这不会成为大问题的主要事情是tableselect表单元素类型。我认为这已在 Drupal 7 中被调用,它很神奇。至少值得一看:



于 2012-12-19T10:43:02.497 回答