Read about then .Run and .Exec methods of the WshShell object (CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
). Make sure you pay attention to the bWaitOnReturn
parameter to .Run and the .Status (and .Exitcode) properties of the WshScriptExec object. This answer contains sample code for .Run and .Exec.
a.vbs (not production quality code!):
Option Explicit
Const WshFinished = 1
Dim goWSH : Set goWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim sCmd, nRet, oExec
sCmd = "cscript .\b.vbs"
WScript.Echo "will .Run", sCmd
nRet = goWSH.Run(sCmd, , True)
WScript.Echo sCmd, "returned", nRet
sCmd = "cscript .\c.vbs"
WScript.Echo "will .Exec", sCmd
Set oExec = goWSH.Exec(sCmd)
Do Until oExec.Status = WshFinished : WScript.Sleep 100 : Loop
WScript.Echo sCmd, "returned", oExec.ExitCode
WScript.Echo "done with both scripts"
WScript.Quit 0
.Runs b.vbs:
WScript.Quit 22
and .Execs c.vbs:
WScript.Quit 33
cscript a.vbs
will .Run cscript .\b.vbs
cscript .\b.vbs returned 22
will .Exec cscript .\c.vbs
cscript .\c.vbs returned 33
done with both scripts
The MsgBoxes will prove that a.vbs waits for b.vbs and c.vbs.
Update II - VBScript's MultiProcessing ((c) @DanielCook):
Option Explicit
Const WshFinished = 1
Dim goWSH : Set goWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' Each cmd holds the command line and (a slot for) the WshScriptExec
Dim aCmds : aCmds = Array( _
Array("cscript .\bx.vbs", Empty) _
, Array("cscript .\cx.vbs", Empty) _
Dim nCmd, aCmd
For nCmd = 0 To UBound(aCmds)
' put the WshScriptExec into the (sub) array
Set aCmds(nCmd)(1) = goWSH.Exec(aCmds(nCmd)(0))
Dim bAgain
WScript.Sleep 100
bAgain = False ' assume done (not again!)
For Each aCmd In aCmds
' running process will Or True into bAgain
bAgain = bAgain Or (aCmd(1).Status <> WshFinished)
Loop While bAgain
For Each aCmd In aCmds
WScript.Echo aCmd(0), "returned", aCmd(1).ExitCode
WScript.Echo "done with both scripts"
WScript.Quit 0
.Execs bx.vbs
If vbYes = MsgBox("Tired of this rigmarole?", vbYesNo, WScript.ScriptName) Then Exit Do
WScript.Sleep 300
WScript.Quit 22
and cx.vbs:
If vbYes = MsgBox("Tired of this rigmarole?", vbYesNo, WScript.ScriptName) Then Exit Do
WScript.Sleep 500
WScript.Quit 33
Don't do this at work without a lot of further effort invested in error handling.