I am working in a firm that is new to java and I am the only java programmer and I need to write about 10 systems within a few months.. The firm has 2 other programmers that know basic java. Not Spring or anything like that.

The firm has User Data in LDAP, MySQL and on the AS/400. I am trying to think of some easy why to work with the 2 Jr Programmers. I was thinking about making them using Messaging or RMI call for all the hard to get data. Let them do the front-ends with Java and Springs and then do calls to messaging or RMI and I do all the backend work..

I would like to hear some of the best approach on this and the best ways.. All of the projects are web applications


2 回答 2


Spring Integration 的替代方案是Apache Camel


消息传递: JMS、AMQP (RabbitMQ)、Redis (PubSub)、ZeroMQ

RPC: JAX-WS (SOAP)、JAX-RS (REST)、Protobuf 和 Thrift

我已经有 7 年没见过使用 Java RMI 了……

(列表的顺序有点像从 Java 友好到不太友好但性能/灵活性更高的顺序)。


您还可以使用一些消息队列,例如用于 RPC 的 RabbitMQ。

于 2012-12-19T19:00:37.660 回答

如果您想坚持使用 Spring,您可以查看Spring Integration。它将为您提供消息传递和 RMI 功能,但还包括许多其他功能,以便在出现其他集成样式时合并它们。

于 2012-12-18T17:17:29.680 回答