我在美德马克中创建了一个拖放购物车。但我在这个 javascript jquery 脚本中有一个问题,我花了一整天的时间在这些代码中找到错误:

function addToCart( jQueryitem ) {
        var jQuerylist = jQuery( "ul", jQueryhv_cart_items ).length ?
        jQuery( "ul", jQueryhv_cart_items ) :
            jQuery( "<ul class='gallery ui-helper-reset'/>" ).appendTo( jQueryhv_cart_items );

        //ajax add to cart
        var hvvid = jQueryitem.attr("id");
        var hvvcatid = jQueryitem.attr("catid");

        jQuery.get("index.php?quantity[]=1&addtocart=Thêm vào giỏ hàng&option=com_virtuemart&view=cart&task=add&virtuemart_product_id[]="+hvvid+"&virtuemart_category_id[]="+hvvcatid,function(data,status){
            //alert("Data: " + data + "\nStatus: " + status);

        //@hoangvi: find product has the same id with hvvid
        //if founded update product quantity
        //otherwise add product to cart
        var total_li = jQuerylist.find("li").length;
        for (var i=0; i<total_li; ++i) {
            var current_li = jQuerylist.find("li")[i];
            var li_hidden = current_li.find("span.hv_hidden");
            var id = li_hidden.attr("id");
            if (id == hvvid) { //founded
                var quantity = li_hidden.attr('quantity');
                quantity = quantity+1;

        //add product to cart
        var jQueryitem2 = jQuery('<li class="ui-widget-content ui-corner-tr"></li>');
        var jQueryitem_img = jQuery("<div />").append(jQueryitem.find( 'img' ).clone()).html();

        jQueryitem2.append( jQueryitem_img ).append('<span>SL: 1</span> ' )
        .append('<span class="hv_hidden" id="' + hvvid + '" quantity="1"> </span> ');
        jQueryitem2.appendTo( jQuerylist ).fadeIn(function() {
                .animate({ width: "48px" })
                .find( "img" )
                    .animate({ height: "36px" });


        //@hoangvi: find product has the same id with hvvid
        //if founded update product quantity
        //otherwise add product to cart
        var total_li = jQuerylist.find("li").length;
        for (var i=0; i<total_li; ++i) {
            var current_li = jQuerylist.find("li")[i];
            var li_hidden = current_li.find("span.hv_hidden");
            var id = li_hidden.attr("id");
            if (id == hvvid) { //founded
                var quantity = li_hidden.attr('quantity');
                quantity = quantity+1;

因为当我删除上述代码时它可以正常工作(但当我添加两个具有相同 ID 的产品时无法更新产品数量)。我认为这是一个语法错误,因为它使 jquery 无法正常工作。像这样的html代码:

<ul class="gallery ui-helper-reset">
                                <li class="ui-widget-content ui-corner-tr" style="width: 48px;"><img src="/chovietnam.com/images/stories/virtuemart/product/resized/vantech-vt-3500i_90x90.jpg" alt="vantech-vt-3500i" class="featuredProductImage" border="0" style="height: 36px;"><span>SL: 1</span> <span class="hv_hidden" id="24" quantity="1"> </span> </li><li class="ui-widget-content ui-corner-tr" style="width: 48px;"><img src="/chovietnam.com/images/stories/virtuemart/product/resized/lenovo-g460small_90x90.jpg" alt="lenovo-g460small" class="featuredProductImage" border="0" style="height: 36px;"><span>SL: 1</span> <span class="hv_hidden" id="21" quantity="1"> </span> </li><li class="ui-widget-content ui-corner-tr" style="width: 48px;"><img src="/chovietnam.com/images/stories/virtuemart/product/resized/designer-handbag-223093101833428290_90x90.jpg" alt="designer-handbag-223093101833428290" class="featuredProductImage" border="0" style="height: 36px;"><span>SL: 1</span> <span class="hv_hidden" id="19" quantity="1"> </span> </li></ul>



2 回答 2



var current_li = jQuerylist.find("li")[i]' // This gets the DOM Object

var li_hidden = current_li.find("span.hv_hidden");

current_liDOM 对象而不是jQuery 对象

所以current_li 应该是$(current_li)

在使用之前将其转换为 jQuery 对象.find()

于 2012-12-18T16:19:27.467 回答

...代码(但当我添加两个具有相同 id 的产品时无法更新产品数量)

页面上不能有具有相同 ID 的元素。除非您正确过滤它。这是一个例子:

<div class="products">
    <span id="item1">My Item</span>
<div class="categories">
    <span id="item1">My Item 2</span>    

$(function() {
    //This will only find the first item with a duplicate ID
    var $items = $("#item1");
    alert("Only the first item: " + $items.text());

    //This will find each duplicate id since it's setting the context either to ".products" or ".categories"
    var $items = $("#item1", ".products");
    alert("Products Item: " + $items.text());

    var $items = $("#item1", ".categories");
    alert("Category Item: " + $items.text());

见:http: //jsfiddle.net/anAgent/eGSpw/

于 2012-12-18T16:25:31.993 回答