I am getting the following error when adding items through IPP:

There was an error when modifying a ItemNonInventory.  Cannot use SalesAndPurchaseMod aggregate when the item is not reimbursable.

The error has been slowing adding up in SyncActivity:

"NgObjectType" => "Item",
"OperationType" => "ItemAdd",
"SyncMessageCode" => "3170",
"SyncMessage" => "There was an error when modifying a ItemNonInventory.  Cannot use SalesAndPurchaseMod aggregate when the item is not reimbursable. "

An explanation of the error would be perfect. Interested in what is causing it. Is there a way to avoid this or to not cause this error?

EDIT: Looking through my requests, I'm not really seeing the entity IDs and I can't seem to pull up the requests so I'm wonder if these were requests while QB was acting off the other day or a mistake on my part. Instead the question should be:

What is the meaning of the above error and what might cause it? I'm unsure of where the SalesAndPurchaseMod comes into play as I'm not the one writing the QBXML to QBD.


1 回答 1


同步信息时尝试 SalesOrPurchaseMod。在 QuickBooks 的项目和服务选项卡中,该项目有一个复选框,表示它用于特定工作。必须检查以使用 SalesAndPurchaseMod。

于 2013-01-12T20:29:45.480 回答