我注意到 Cloudfoundry 默认使用6.0.35版本的 Tomcat。

我需要最新版本的 Tomcat ( 7.0.34 ) 才能使用Spring MVC 3.2 异步支持

谁能告诉我什么时候tomcat 7.0.34默认在cloudfoundry上可用?


1 回答 1


I don't know when Tomcat 7 will be available on CloudFoundry, but in the meantime you can bundle Tomcat 7 with your application and deploy it as a stand-alone application. There is an excellent blog post about doing exactly this here: http://blog.cloudfoundry.org/2012/06/18/deploying-tomcat-7-using-the-standalone-framework/.

Note that, if you do this, CloudFoundry will not automatically configure your app as a Spring app, since the "standalone" framework option does not do auto-reconfig. An answer to a previous question has the solution for this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13632618/1299533.

于 2012-12-18T16:15:26.760 回答